Muna Muna

Present Simple Tense (Positve & Negative)
Elementary level


In this lesson, students learn about the present simple tense through the use of the Presentation-Practise-Production method. The lesson starts with a lead-in activity which involves a picture being put on the board; the elicited grammar is then analysed using the MPF; after that, a controlled activity which gives students the chance to practise by unscrambling sentences takes place. Finally, there is a semi-controlled activity where students exchange information.


Abc 3 colored-paper bubbles + face (Hani)
Abc Present Simple Timeline
Abc Cut-up Sentences in Envelopes
Abc Exercise 6
Abc Paper Tennis Rackets
Abc Exchange Information Activity
Abc Gap-Fill Exercsie

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson - students will have practised the meaning, pronunciation, and form of the present simple in the context of free time.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practise the pronunciation of '-s' added to verbs that follow 3rd person singular subjects - /s/, /z/, or /ız/


Lead-in (1-2 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1 - Put up picture of Hani & the bubbles (found in the materials) on the board to create visual context. 2 - Ask ss the below questions about the above picture: >> Who is he? Hani >> What is he thinking about? things he does >> When does he do these things? every day; every week

Context (1-2 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

1 - Ask ss to tell me something about Hani and point to 'the pink bubble'. 2 - Write the sentence on the board --> He goes to the gym every day. 3 - Ask ss to have a look at the sentence; give them a few seconds.

Clarification (14-16 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

MPF:- 1 - Ask ss the below questions with a line diagram as reference: What can you tell me about this sentence? >> Is it in the present, past, or future? No >> Is it happening now? No >> So when does it happen? every day, every week, every month >> What do we call the tense used for every day? Present Simple >> How do we know from the words in the sentence? Elicit or then circle goes. >> What do you notice about the word 'goes'? circle 'es' >> What is this sentence made up of? Write on the board parts of speech. 2 - Ask ss to give me another sentence and point to the yellow bubble. 3 - Write 'He watches sport on TV every week.' 4 - Ask ss the following: >> Is this sentence same as the above? Yes --> show on timeline >> Is this action repeated? (mime) Yes >> Is this present simple? Yes >> What are the parts of speech? Write them. >> What if I change the subject to 'They', will the verb change? Yes; What about I? Yes 5 - Write the grouped pronouns to show the difference; circle the 's' and 'es' in a different colour to show. 6 - Point to purple bubble and ask ask ss 'Does Hani take photos of his family every month? 7 - Write 'No, he doesn't' --> ask 'Is this positive or negative?" Negative 8 - Okay - 'Does he watch sport on TV?' 'Yes, he does.' 9 - Ask ss to go to page 32 and do exercise 5 alone in 2 mins 10 - ICQ --> What exercise will you do? 5; On what page? 32; will you do it in pairs? No 11 - Write answers on the board 12 - Flip the board to cover the form. 13 - Tell them 'I would like you to listen.' mime (not to talk) 13 - Repeat 'He goes to the gym every day.' twice. 14 - Tell ss you will say it again and they have to repeat; say it; get them to repeat twice as a class; then choose 3 ss to repeat individually. 15 - Say he 'go..' and get them to complete the /z/ sound. 16 - Now, go to the other sentence and do the same but this time 'watches' --> /iz/; flip the board back so ss can see and write sound close to words. Make sure to circle them in different colors for sounds. 17 - Explain that we will do a pronunciation activity. Pass out papers with the 3 sounds /s/ /z/ and /iz/ and give ss swats - tennis rackets used before; explain that you will say words and they have to swat the correct sound; model it and ICQ it by putting my paper on the board. 18 - Check if needed.

Controlled Practice (6-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

1 - Tell ss 'You will now arrange words to form sentences about Hani'. 2 - Give the ss the following instructions:- >> Every group will a group of words. Show them the set. >> In every set - there are small different colored papers with words on them. Show ss. >> In groups - in 5 minutes, you will arrange every set to form sentences. >> ICQ it --> Will you work pairs or in groups? in groups; What will each group get? a set of words; What will you do with each set? form sentences; How much time do you have? 5mins 3 - Give time limit --> 5 mins --> Use timer! 4 - Get groups to talk & compare answers. 2 mins --> Use timer! 5 - Elicit answers and write them on the board. 6 - Call on X ss to get up; give each ss a card; ask them to look at their cards and to put them on the table; they now have to rearrange themselves to form a correct sentence --> ICQ it!

Semi-Controlled Practice (10-12 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

1 - Tell ss they will now ask and answer questions about Hani & Huda's daily routine. 2 - Elicit the grammar used for the question. 3 - Model the activity: >> You will do this in pairs - student A & student B. >> Point to the first ss; say you are 'A'; then elicit from ss what letter they are going to be. >> Show activity on the board. >> Explain that ss A will ask ss B about Huda & ss B will ask ss A about Hani. >> Model it. >> ICQ it --> Will you do this alone or in pairs? in pairs; Who will ss A ask ss B about? Sarah; What will the two possible answers be? Yes, __ does./No, __ doesn't. >> Give ss time limit. (10 mins) --> set timer! 4 - If there is enough time left - get ss to do page page 33 exercise 7.

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