Mohamed Elhosiny
Lesson D "Thinking outside the box" reading - Inermedimate, Grade 4 B2 level level
Lesson D "Thinking outside the box" reading
Inermedimate, Grade 4 B2 level level
In this lesson learners will focus on receptive skills of reading and sub skill gist reading and as output of the class will be productive skills of speaking and writing. The context of the lesson is based on how solve problems and how the brain work to solve it. students are familiar with this topic because they have studied feelings in last few sessions. In this session students will read and test their understanding of the passage. In this lesson students will do different activities which involves reading, such as rearranging the sentences about what should we do to solve any problem, watching a video about someone has a problem and how to think to solve it, and listening with focus .The main practice in this lesson for students is they will practice how to relate the reading with the real life things or topics, these activities of relating the reading texts to the pictures or preference texts with pictures will make students practice the skill for reading for meaning which is very useful in day to day life. These activities will help student to derive the meaning from the text by reading the small text i.e. gist reading, and also for reading about feelings and celebrities. Most of the activities will be reading and then students will be discussing after the reading. Apart from the lead in teacher will play a passive role and will be monitoring students for the errors and to provide assistance. The output of the lesson will be speaking and writing where students will be asked to speak with their partners about a previous problem and how and when is the best time to think to solve it.

• some photos and videos
• some photos and videos

• some photos and videos
• some photos and videos
Main Aims
• By the end of the lesson students will be able to think of any problem and how to solve it. Write a proposal presenting a solution to a problem. find out what type of word it is a verb, anoun, an adjective, etc.
Procedure (31-39 minutes)
Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students
I raise my voice saying "Class Class Class" and they answer Yes Yes Yes our game today is "Who am I ?"
* I am a bird I can swim but I can't fly and I am white and black. "who am I ?"
* I can cry but I don't have eyes they can walk but I don't have legs. "who am I?"
* I am a great player people call me the "Egyptian king" . |who am I?"
Pre-Reading/Listening (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible
Let the students guess the topic of the day by looking at a photo of a man whose car is broken down and ask them what should we do to solve this problem ?
While-Reading/Listening #1 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks
Reading the passage p.72 and answer the following questions to check their comprehension by dividing them into groups and how to solve this problem.
Post-Reading/Listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned
I give the students a sheet of paper with questions and ask each others