Bella Bella

Bella Chich, A glamours life? (Daily routunes)
Elementary, A1 level


In this lesson student will review the verbs and phrases that are used to describe daily routines, read about an ordinary day of an ordinary actor, do some activities and practise to speak about their typical day.


Main Aims

  • The main aim of the lesson is reading the text about an actor

Subsidiary Aims

  • LF - Vocab for daily routines


Warmer/Lead-in (8 minutes) • To get students' attention, to engage students, to set lesson context and check what daily routine they already know

- Greet the students and ask them how they are getting on. Then I ask them to greet each other and ask each other how they are. (T-WC) - I divide the class into groups depending on the number of the students. I give out the handouts (pictures and verbs) and ask them to match. (GW) - Monitoring. I go around the class, support them and give prompts if it's necessary. Answer key. - FB. On the board there are four columns: in the morning-in the afternoon- in the evening-at night and a question "What do you do...?" one group asks another . (T-WC, S-S) - Freer practice. I tell them what time I get up and go to bed. On the board I write down the beginning of the question "What time do you ...., Seynap?" And model the activity with one of the students. Then one student asks another one (peer check)) (T-WC, S-S)

Pre-Reading (6 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

- I regroup the students (make new pairs). I show them two pictures of Sam Dane (from the Student's book) and elicit some information about him (e.g. his job, likes it or not, age) and some objects on the picture (a camera, a studio) from the students. (T-WC) - With their partners they try to guess what time he gets up, has breakfast, starts work and has lunch. (S-S) - FB. Each pair gives their ideas.

While-Reading #1 (4 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading

- I give out a copy of the text about Sam Dane to each student. I ask them to scan the text and check whether they are right or wrong. I give them 2 min. - FB. I take WC feedback.

While-Reading #2 (6 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading.

- I show the student ex.3, there are 6 sentences, I ask some of the student to read those sentences aloud. I explain them that some of these sentences are true and some of them are false. Then I ask them to read the text again and together with their partners decide which sentences are true and which sentences are false. I give them 5 min. - FB. I put the students in groups for peer-check. Then we check the answers together.

Post-Reading (8 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

- On the board there is a question "Have actors got an interesting life? Why? Why not?" I put them into groups of three and they discuss these questions with other students. I write down their mistakes. - Monitoring. Make notes of mistakes. Then I ask them to tell other students in their small groups about their typical day.

Error correction (3 minutes) • Students can think and correct their mistakes on their own

On the board I write the sentences with mistakes and they correct them.

Entertaining part (If there is time) (5 minutes) • to review daily routines and have fun

- I take the card from the pile on the table and mime the action and the students must guess what daily routine it is then the students one by one come out, take out the card and mime the actions, the rest of the class must guess what the action is.

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