Lutfi Sarac Lutfi Sarac

TP 8a
A1 level


In this lesson, students are going to have a writing practice using a product approach in the context of their favorite types of film. The lesson starts with a poster of a film and its interesting trailer. Then students read the model of a blog in which Jacob talks about the types of film he likes and he doesn't like ,and he suggests a film he watched recently including reasons. Teacher highlights the key features in the blog. Students practise these features in a controlled activity. In the end, the students organize their ideas, and they use all the structures and vocabulary they've learnt to produce their own products individually, independently.


Abc Material 1: 'Inception' photos - Lead in

Main Aims

  • To provide a product writing practice of a blog post in the context of favorite types of film.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide a practice of reading for gist and reading for specific details using a blog post about favorite types of film in the context of films.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Students look at the photo and then watch the trailer and try to guess what the name of film is, what type of film it is, who the director is. Ss share their ideas in pairs. Then they share their answers with the class.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading

In this stage, students meet Jacob who is really into films and likes writing blogs about the films. Students read one of his blog pages about films. On this page, he writes about types of film he likes and he does not like, the reasons why he likes /doesn't like those types of film moreover he suggests a film he watched a month ago. Students read the blog page individually for gist and specific information and try to choose the best option for questions about Jacob and his types of film. This text is the model so students need to understand it clearly. After students read the text and answer the questions, they peer check the answers. In the end, teacher gives feedback for the questions.

Useful Language (8-10 minutes) • To highlight, clarify and practise useful language for coming productive tasks

In this stage, students learn that they will produce a product like the model,they read the model blog post.Teacher asks the students what the post is about. After he gets some answers, students focus on the useful language they will use during producing step. It's crucial for them to understand what the key language is and what it mainly addresses? Teacher directly highlight the useful language and enable the students to grasp the meaning. Students discuss the key language together in pairs. Teacher must be sure that the key language is understood. In the end, teacher gives feedback about the key language. In the very end of this stage, teacher try to understand whether the students understand the useful language or not through a controlled activity as well.

Productive Task (18-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skill

Students are ready now to produce a product through using the key language they have learnt in the previous stages. Teacher asks the students to write a blog post about what types of film they like/don't like, why they like/don't like those type(s) and which film they recommend their friends and why? Teacher reminds them to write a blog post similar to the model and to use the key language. Students start to produce their first products. Teacher monitors the students if they are on the task.

Feedback and Error Correction (8-10 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

This is the last stage in which students finish their draft. They check the mistakes of their products. Students try to correct their mistakes. Teacher observes the students and guides them about error correction if necessary. Teacher may show strong and weak sentences on the board.

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