How much water do we really need?
Elementary level
Main Aims
To provide clarification and practice of quantifiers in the context of food and drinks
Subsidiary Aims
To provide scan reading practice using a text about quantifiers in the context of food and drinks
To provide fluency speaking practice in a quantifiers in the context of food and drinks
Procedure (27-38 minutes)
I will ask students " what is your favorite drink?" how many times do you drink it ? why do you like it? I will demo the activity with students, then they discuss in pairs. After that, an open class discussion will be given to find similarities among students.
I will teach the blocking vocabulary which are: questionnaire/ mineral water/ litters. They will be taught using visual pictures and students guess what are these pictures. I will ask some CCQs to make sure they got the meaning.
Now you will have a questionnaire about" how much water do you drink?", it has 5 questions. try to ask as much as you can from your colleagues to find someone like you. Do not keep sitting try to move around. You have 3 minutes to do so. Demo the questionnaire with a student. ICQs : How many questions? (5) What is this about drinking water or sports? (drinking water) Will you ask only 1 find? (No) Will you keep sitting? ( No)
Introduce ex a and b for students and ask them to answer individually in 2 minutes. ICQs: Will you answer only ex a? (No) How many ex would you answer?(2) Students check their answers in pairs. Then I will elicit answers by an open class feedback in order to start clarifying the rule( How much / How many). In addition, I will draw a cline and ask students to drop off ( a lot/ quite a lot/ not much-many/ None ).
I will introduce ex d to students as : " Now you will complete 8 questions with How many or How much . You will answer by yourself in 4 minutes and when you finish you check the answers in pairs." ICQs: Will you complete or put true/false? (complete) How many questions are there? (8) After students checked the answers, I will ask them to check the provided answer key.
I will give a name to each students for example: red / white and each two similar colors set together. They will will ask and answer using questions in ex d to find similarities. I will demo the activity as : Can anyone ask me a question? ( How many cups of coffee do you drink?) T: I drink a lot of coffee everyday. I think around 3 or 4 cups. S: What's your favorite café? I am a big fan of a home made coffee because you can control the blend. Do you like it American or French? there are some occasions I like drinking French coffee such as early in the morning. And then, students practice speaking in 4 minutes. An open class discussion will be provided.
As I was monitoring, I would spot some students' mistakes. I will write them on the board and correct them.