Intermediate B1 level

Main Aims
To provide clarification and practice of compound nouns in the context of road transportation.
Subsidiary Aims
To provide accuracy and fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of road transportation in their city.
Procedure (41-48 minutes)
Ask Ss "What do you hate most about Istanbul?" Elicit the word traffic from Ss. Ask Ss "Who has a driving license?" Ss raise their hands. Ask Ss "Who actually drives a car?" Ss raise their hands. Tell Ss that we are going to talk about road transportation in today's lesson.
Show Ss picture of a street in New York City. Tell Ss to work in pairs. Ask Ss to name all the things they can see in the picture about transportation. (1 min) ICQs: Are you going to work in pairs? Yes Are you going to focus on the buildings? No Are you going to name things you see on the street? Yes Take whole class (W/C) feed back (FB). Try to elicit one or more of the following words from Ss and write them on the white board (WB): traffic light, rush hour, traffic jam, pedestrian area., rush hour.
Ask Ss whether they notice something special about these words. Try to elicit that these words are made by combining two other words. Tell Ss that we call such words compound nouns. Tell Ss to work alone. Tell Ss that they will receive a handout. They will try to make more compound nouns by selecting a word from the box to create a new word. The new word has to match the definition on the right. ICQs: Are you going to work in pairs again? No Are you going to pick a word from the box to make a new word? Yes Can the definition of the new word help you to pick the correct word from the box? Yes Ss check their answers with a partner. (2 min) Take W/C FB. Write the compound words on the WB (Note: leave enough space between the words; write petrol station, taxi rank, and speed camera at the very bottom).
Meaning: Ask Ss if there are any words on the WB that they don't understand. Ask if other Ss can explain the word to the S. If not, explain the word to the S. (see LA for definition and CCQs) Form: Elicit from Ss the form of a compound noun: noun + noun = compound noun Elicit from Ss what the job of the first noun is: to describe the second noun. Tell Ss that the first noun functions as an adjective that describes the second noun. Write the words sunglasses and can-opener on WB. CCQ: Are these compound nouns? Yes Elicit from Ss if they see anything different: compound nouns can be a two-noun phrase, one word, and occasionally can be hyphenated. CCQs: Are compound nouns always a two-noun phrase? No Can compound nouns be one word? Yes Can compound nouns be hyphenated? Yes Pronunciation: (Note: erase the words petrol station, speed camera, and taxi rank from WB since they are not in the the listening activity.) Drill pronunciation with Ss. Tell Ss to repeat the word they hear on the recording. Elicit from Ss which word of the compound word carries more stress? The first one. Underline the first words on WB. Tell Ss that some of the first words have more than one syllable. Ask Ss to come to the WB to put a circle above the stressed syllable. Take W/C FB. Elicit correct answers from Ss in case there are mistakes. Model and drill with Ss individually.
Ss work in pairs. Tell Ss they are going to receive a handout with the compound nouns they practiced. On that handout is half of a crossword. One S will get a crossword with only the words going down filled in. The other S will receive a crossword with only the words across filled in. Show on WB with an easy example: across: 1. strawberry 4. pear down: 2. apple 3. cherry Tell Ss that they can not show their part of the crossword to the other S. Tell Ss they are going to complete their crossword by asking their partner for the missing word. For example, "What is 1 down?" The S must try to describe the word without telling the actual word. Tell Ss that there are no spaces for compound words in the crossword. (show on WB) ICQs: Are you going to ask your partner for a missing word in your crossword? Yes Can your partner tell you the word? No Is your partner going to describe the word? Yes Are you going to take turns to describe a word? Yes Give Ss the crossword handouts. Ss can start (4 min) Take W/C FB.
Ss will work in pairs. Tell Ss that they will receive a handout. On the handout are 6 questions. Ss will ask and answer the questions in pairs. Tell Ss to take it in turns to ask the questions. Tell Ss to use the compound nouns we learned where they can. ICQs: Are you going to work alone? No Is one student going to ask all the questions and the other students going to answer all of them? No Are you each in turn going to ask a question? Yes Are you going to make full sentences while answering the questions? Yes Are you going to try to use the compound words that we learned today? Yes Give Ss the handout. Ss start to have their conversation. (3 min) T monitors and makes language notes. After three minutes, tell Ss to switch partners. Tell Ss to ask your partner the questions they didn't answer before, and answer questions they didn't answer before. (3 min) T monitors and makes language notes.
T writes some sentences produced by Ss on WB, both good and bad. T praises correct sentences, and elicits the correct form from Ss for erroneous sentences.