Evgenia Pyak Evgenia Pyak

Girls' night out, Speaking & Listening
Elementary level


In this lesson, students will listen to the story about entertainment in different countries for a gist and specific information. They will practise speaking about how they go out, using Wh and Yes/No questions.


Abc New English File, Elementary, Clive Oxenden, Christine Latham-Koenig, Paul Seligs, Oxford Universon
Abc Power Point Presentation, page 1
Abc Power Point Presentation, page 2
Abc Power Point Presentation, page 3
Abc Power Point Presentation, page 4
Abc Power Point Presentation, page 5
Abc Power Point Presentation, page 6

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will have developed their ability to listen for gist and specific information in the context of entertainment in different countries. Also students will have practiced quided speaking about entertainment in Egypt.

Subsidiary Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will have revised the past simple tense 'Wh' questions.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1. show the picture #3 from the previous lesson. - ask if students: What are their names? 'Where were they?' - tell them that today we are going to continue this topic. 'Now we are going to listen as Sabina tells us about her night out with her friends.'

Listening for gist/specific information. (5-6 minutes) • To give students brief idea about the story

1. Show questions for listening (Did they have a good time? How many points out of 10?) - give students 30 seconds to read them. 2. Tell Students that they will listen and write short answers. Demo the 1st answer. 3. Ask ICQ: - are you going to write long answers? No. 4. Give them a minute to check their answers. 5. Show the answers, let them check and ask if it was difficult.

Listening for specific information (9-10 minutes) • to let them find specific information

1. Show 7 questions for listening. - give students 30 seconds to read them. 2.Tell Students that they will listen and write short answers. Demo the 1st question. 3. Ask ICQ: - are you going to write long answers? No. 4. After listening, give them a minute to check their answers. 5. Tell the students that they are going to check the answers in breakout rooms for 2 minutes. 6. Let ss listen one more time. 7. Show the answers and ask if it was easy, difficult or so-so.

Productive Task (10-11 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice grammar (the past simple, questions) )and pronunciation

1. Show the question list in PPP. Ask how they make questions. - Demo the first two question, using gestures. Tell them that they have 5 minutes for this task. - if they need more time, give it. After time is up, show the other answers. 2. Drill the pronunciation of 4 examples. Use gesture to illustrate intonation. -Who did you go with? -How did you go home? -Did you meet anyone? -Did you have a good time?

Productive Task/ Speaking (10-11 minutes) • To let students practice speaking about going out.

1. Tell the student to ask questions to their teacher about her last night out. - nominate to ask questions - answer these questions 2. Ask them to think about their last night out. Give them 10 seconds. 3. Give instructions: you are going to tell your partner about your last night out in the breakout room for 7 minutes.

Feedback and Error Correction (5-6 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

1. Asking how many points out of 10 was your last night out. 2. Possible error correction: - write down grammar (past simple questions form) errors on PowerPoint page - elicit correct grammar (past simple questions form). 3. Ask students if they have questions, and thank them for a great lesson.

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