wilmar wilmar

speaking lesson plan in the context of I love my city,a great place to visit
Upper intermediate level


This is a speaking lesson whose intention is to provide students with practice in their speaking skills by talking about interesting places, food,and their own local cultural aspect about their cities The learners will also practice language related to the context of I love my city ,It's a great place to visit.


Main Aims

  • • To introduce and provide practice of speaking for fluency in the context of I love my city , It's a great place to visit

Subsidiary Aims

  • • To give students the opportunity to discover and practice the MFPA of some useful language (expressions and phrases) • To give students an opportunity to practice their speaking fluency in the context of I love my city , It's a great place to visit


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students. also to activate previous knowledge of the topic area

T greets students and starts the lesson by. building rapport with students- T shows a picture to the students T writes down three questions for students to answer in the context of their own city T lets students brainstorm their own ideas according to the questions : Where do you live? What is the weather like in your city? What makes your hometown a great place to visit ? T asks students to share ideas to the class. T tells the students that they are going to be on breakout room for 5 minutes to share their ideas about their hometown T conducts OCFB. T praises the students for their big efford on sharing their ideas

Content Preparation (8-10 minutes) • To prepare students for the content of the task. in order to keep them on the right trackof the lesson

T shows to the students a text where they will find and discover the use and commom expressions with quantifiers . T explains that It reffersThat it is talking abouta city which they will find amazing. T gives students a reason for them to read the text:and use it as a guide to create their own T provides students a google slides where they will find a text they will answer some questions while reading. T provides time for students to work on.it T asks ICQ’s to make sure they understood the text After reading, T asks students to share their answers in their breakout rooms for 4 minutes. ( 2 minutes each student) After Ss have compared their answers, teacher displays the answer key for students to confirm their answers. T conducts OCFB.

Language Preparation (7-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

T Displays a list of useful language (phrases and expressions) related to places to visit in the city. Many ( Countable ) meaning a large number of something Form adjective Pronunciation /mɛni / CCQ's are There animals in your house? -Much ( Uncountable ) Meaning a great degree Form adjective Pronunciation / mʌʧ ˈ/ CCQ's Is There traffic in the city today ? A lot of ( countable and Uncountable ) Meaning large quantity / a great degree Form Idiom informal Pronunciation / ə lɑt ʌv / CCQ's Do you have any friends ? Enough ( countable and Uncountable ) Meaning sufficient Form adjective Pronunciation / ɪˈnʌf / CCQ's Do you have any money on you ? T asks CCQ’s in order to check meaning. CCQ's are there parks to go on weekends? Is there traffic in the city? Do people visit your city ? Do you have time to visit the city ? T drills pronunciation of the expressions. (Practice sentence stress and intonation) . Very good guys! Now you are more than ready to move on to the next task.

Productive Task (10-12 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills through a speaaking activity

T explains students’ instructions for the speaking task. Talk to a partner about places to visit in the city and culture Use the prompts as a guide share information about the city ,food, places to visit , weather Talk about the most important festival in your city What is the typical food of your city? What is the most popular place for tourist in your city ? What is your city famous for ? what is the weather like in your city? Make sure you include in your discussion these topics also remember you can use the expressions previously shown T provides allocated time for this task. Ss will be changing peers each 5 minutes (If the number of students is enough) T monitors and takes notes.

Feedback and Error Correction (5-8 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

- T conducts OCFB based on what was carried out in the productive task stage. -T writes the notes related to the language that was used inaccurately by learners. Then the teacher elicits pronunciation from students or reformulate the expressions, sentences, phrases, or words that requires improvement. - T highlights pronunciation/lexis or grammar errors.

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