Louise Pike Louise Pike

Places in a town, listening and vocabulary.
Beginners, A1, level


During the lesson, Ss will be introduced to new vocabulary in the context of places in towns and cities and will practice listening for gist and detail based on a recorded conversation between two friends about their home. The lesson will start with a discussion about what places are near the Ss hometowns/cities. Ss will then be introduced to vocabulary relating to places in a town/city (for example, post office, cash machine). Ss will then complete a series of listening activities to practice gist and detailed listening.


Main Aims

  • To provide Ss with gist and specific information listening practice using a recording of a conversation between friends talking about their home.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide Ss with an introduction and practice using vocabulary relating to places in local town or cities.


Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set the context of places in a town or city

T will draw a picture of two roads on the WB. T will draw a picture of a house next to one of the roads and label it 'my home'. T will tell Ss that the house is their home and ask Ss to discuss with their partner what places they think are nearby (e.g. supermarket, post-office, shops). T can draw a supermarket as an example. Give Ss 1 minute to discuss with their partner and then elicit their answers and write on the WB. ICQ's: 1. Are you going to write down your ideas? (no) 2. Are you going to discuss with your partner? (yes) 3. How many minutes do you have? 1 or 5? (1)

Test 1 Language focus (3-5 minutes) • To test Ss knowledge of vocabulary relating to places in a town or city.

T will stick 9 images of various places on the WB (e.g. post office, cashpoint). Group Ss into new pairs. T will ask Ss to discuss what they think the images are in pairs. T will then handout pieces of paper with each of the images name on and instruct Ss to stick it underneath the correct image. T will complete one of the answers as an example. T will check the answers as a WC and make any corrections if necessary (elicit correct answers from Ss if they are wrong). T will distinguish between any American/British English words (e.g. bookshop/bookstore).

Language focus (continued) (4-5 minutes) • To check Ss understanding of the vocabulary

T will group Ss into new pairs. T will ask Ss to discuss what you can find at each place listed on the board in pairs, T will provide Ss with an example e.g. In a supermarket you can find food, at a cashpoint you can get money. ICQ's: are you going to write the answers down? (no) are you going to talk about ideas with your partner? (Yes) T will monitor the Ss answers and write some of them on the WB (both correct and incorrect). T will check the answers as a WC and elicit Ss answers. This will help judge Ss understanding of the vocabulary. Also check Ss understanding using CCQ's: 1. ATM: can i get coins or bank notes from an ATM? (Bank notes) 2. Road: is a road for cars or people? (cars) 3. Chemist: Can I buy coffee from a chemist? (no) why? (because a chemist supplies medication) 4. Post-office: Where can i send a letter from? (the postoffice)

Pronunciation practice (2-3 minutes) • To allow Ss to listen to and practice the target language

T will engage Ss in a series of drilling exercises ensuring that they place the stress on the correct syllables. If Ss continually struggle with the pronunciation of particular words then T will write them on the WB and highlight the stress or phonemic alphabet. Note: use WC drilling, choral and individual. Also drill words and complete sentences. 1. a road 2. a post office 3. a chemist's 4. a bank 5. a market 6. a supermarket 7. a bus stop 8. a square 9. a cashpoint 10. an ATM

Pre-listening (2-3 minutes) • To elicit Ss ideas and predict the contents of the listening task

T will present Ss with a picture of Susan and Isabel (see handout) on the WB. T will instruct Ss to work in pairs and discuss their ideas about the picture. T can give Ss some prompts, for e.g. who are they? where are they going? After 1 minute T will select Ss to share their ideas with the WC. ICQ's: how long do you have, 1 or 5 minutes? (1) are you going to talk to yourself or a partner? (partner)

Gist listening (6-7 minutes) • To provide Ss with practice listening for gist

T will build on the pre-listening task. T will write 4 categories on the WB: 'location, relationship, places in the town, Transport'. T will ask Ss to look at the picture again and elicit their predictions about the 4 categories, T will make one prediction to give an e.g. transport: buses, trains, tram. Ensure Ss are clear on what the categories represent. T will write Ss answers on the WB and give them time to read them all. T will then instruct Ss to listen to the recording to see if their predictions are correct/incorrect. ICQ's: 1. Are you going to speak or listen? (listen) 2. Are you going to listen for your predictions? (yes) Ss will discuss what predictions were correct/incorrect in pairs and then the T will elicit their answers as a WC (tick or cross each prediction on the WB to show whether it was correct or not). CCQ's: ask Ss why or 'how do you know?' that the prediction is correct/incorrect

Detailed listening (7-9 minutes) • To allow Ss to practice detailed listening

T will instruct the Ss to read questions 1-6 by themselves. T will instruct Ss to listen to the recording carefully and write short answers for each question. T will draw Ss attention to the first example to clarify the task, e.g. Does Susan like living in her flat? answer: yes she does. ICQ's: 1. Are you going to write your answer on your paper? (yes) 2. Are you going to answer 1 or 6 questions? (6) 2. Are you going to listen or speak? (listen). After the recording, T will instruct Ss to discuss their answers with a partner. Repeat the recording once more if needed. T will write the question numbers 1-6 on the WB and elicit the answers from the Ss. Clarify any misunderstandings. Answers: 1. yes she does 2. There is not a lot of shops 3. yes there is 4. no it is not 5. yes it is 6. no there isn't CCQ's: for each answer check Ss understand by asking 'why?, how do we know that?' or 'why not?'.

Free speaking and listening practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide Ss with practice listening to and using the TL

T will place Ss in new pairs. Each person will have a different area of Turkey written on a piece of paper. The Ss will not show each other their pieces of paper. Ss will ask questions and give answers to each other in relation to the place that is written. For Each group will have different pictures. Ss in group A will describe their image to Ss B and vice versa. Ss will make notes about their partners image. T will select a Ss and illustrate the task using a demo. T can remind Ss of phrases they have previously learnt to help them (e.g. there are lots of/some). ICQ's: 1. Are you going to show your partner your picture? (No) 2. Are you going to describe your picture to your partner? (Yes) 3. Are you going to speak in English or Turkish? (English) Ss in group A will then discuss their answers with each other, group B will do the same. T will monitor the discussion and write any errors on the WB ready for WCFB and error correction if needed.

if-time activity
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