Tasneem Mohamed Mustafa Tasneem Mohamed Mustafa

Should and shouldn't for advice
Pre-intermediate level


In this lesson, students learn about should and shouldn't for advice through guided discovery based on a reading about exams. The lesson starts with a discussion about problems and advice followed by a controlled practice for the grammar rule and finally a free practice via a personalized speaking activity.


Abc Reading text

Main Aims

  • At the end of the lesson, students will provide clarification and practice of the model verb, should in the context of exams problems.
  • By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use target grammar should and shouldn't for giving advise.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist and specific information reading practice in the context of exam problems.
  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of problems and difficult situations.


Warmer/Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To get the students thinking about the topic and generate interest.

The teacher welcomes the students then presents 2 questions for them to discuss with their partners. Lead-in Questions: 1. What do you need when you have a problem? 2. Who will you go for when you need advice? Why? Then the teacher gives the students content feedback.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Students individually read for gist the text to answer question (What is the topic about?) students check the answer with their partner for peer correction. Students share the answer with the whole class (WC). Students read again to answer specific questions: 1. Why is Alice asking for advice? 2. What advice do will give her? (answer is the marker sentence.) Students check with peers then with the whole class.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language (grammar rule)

Teacher asks about the answer of the 2nd question. Students will answer: "She should have a study buddy." Teacher writes the marker sentence on the board.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Teacher writes 2 sentences on the board. 1st: She should have a study buddy. 2nd: She shouldn't use phone a lot. Teacher elicit from them the usage of should and shouldn't. Then, ask CCQs to check their understanding (e.g. Do I use should and shouldn't for giving advice? Answer is YES. Can I use should with obligatory things? Answer is NO and so on (M) Teacher drills the sentence using back chaining technique. (P) From the previous sentence: Teacher elicit the form of the rule from the students: Affirmative: Subject + should + verb(base form) + the rest of the sentence. Negative: Subject + shouldn't + verb (base form) + the rest of the sentence. Yes/No Q: Should + subject + verb (base form) + the rest of the sentence? WH Q: Question word + should + subject + verb (base form) + the rest of the sentence. (F)

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target language for accuracy

Teacher gives students an exercise to answer individually: (Read The list of things people do while studying. Decide which of them you should/ shouldn't do) Students check their answers with their partners to compare their ideas and then with the whole class (WC).

Free Practice (10-14 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target in more authentic context and promote fluency.

Teacher asks the students to write down on a piece of paper a problem or a situation they face individually. Teacher asks the students to stand up and mingle and get advice for their problem from their peers. Teacher gives content and language feedback.

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