asrar ahmad asrar ahmad

Teaching Practice 7
Elementary level


This lesson' Licence to kill' is the first lesson in a series of lessons on the topic of Films, music, news'. In this lesson Ss learn and practice about the use of past simple and past continuous tenses. They also learn how to make the past simple negative sentences. The lesson starts with a discussion about finding a correct and incorrect sentence teacher has written on the board about Past simple .


Abc Exercise 6 a from the coursebook"face2face" by Chris Redston with Gillie Cunningham
Abc Article
Abc Listening ex.5

Main Aims

  • To provide students practice with past simple negative sentences.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide listening practice by making them listen to improve pronunciation.


Warmer/Lead in (4-6 minutes) • to check Ss previous knowledge of simple past and to familiarize students to the topic of past simple negative sentences.

Context: Ss see a picture and elicit sentences about it. Teacher will check previous knowledge of Ss about simple past tense. He will write two sentences on the board from text and asks Ss which sentence is correct. He lived in England. He live in England. Then he elicits a negative sentence and familiarize students with the negative sentences.

Grammar focus (10-12 minutes) • To improve their understanding for simple past negative sentences.

Teacher explains Ss structure of simple past negative sentences. S+didn't+V1. He elicits some examples on the board to highlight its structure. He writes some examples on the board to highlight its structure. Then he instructs Ss to read an article and write four Past Simple negative sentences they find in the article. He gives them article. Ss work in pairs and then the check their answers. Teachers asks them CCQs for the feedback.

Grammar focus (10-15 minutes) • To improve their understanding for simple past negative sentences.

Ss work in groups and do a gap-fill activity. This activity is to check if Ss use base form of verb or the second form after didn't. Teachers posts gaps against the wall and students wall crawl to do this activity. Then they listen a recording and pronounce the sentence they hear. They drill three sentences.

Grammar exercises (8-10 minutes) • to give Ss practice to convert affirmative sentences into negative sentences

Ss are asked to tick the sentences that are true for them and make other sentences negative. Teachers hands in handouts and Ss do the activity in pairs. Teachers posts the answers on the board and Ss match their answers for the feedback.

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