Ali Ali

Lvl 2 session 1
E.C lvl 2 level


In this session students learn about the present simple and how are they going to use it real life situation


Abc E.C lvl 2

Main Aims

  • At the end of the session the S will be able to use PS

Subsidiary Aims

  • The students will be able to speak about their daily routine


Warmer (5 minutes) • To break the ice in the very first meeting

- do the changing seat game with S - explain to S - do a demo on yourself

Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To introduce the S to the TL

- ask S to mingle and ask each other about an activity they do every day - then ask them who has the best activity and why - do ICQs

Encourage prediction (2 minutes) • To assist with comprehension

- draw a bubble on the board and name it activities - elicit words of daily activities the S said them in the previous stage

Listening task 1 (5 minutes) • To develop S listening skills

- ask S to listen and tell you what are people they look a like ? _ ask them to listen again while reading

Noticing the TL (3 minutes) • To extract the TL from the text

- ask S to listen and tell the sentences exactly like they're said

Focus on the MPF (10 minutes) • To deliver the TL

MEANING - explain the usage of the present simple PRONUNCIATION - explain how we pronounce the s at the end of the verb FORM - highlight the form on the board CCQs - ask some questions about the PS with yes and no to make sure they understood

Controlled written practice (3 minutes) • To practice accuracy

- ask S to answer EX. A in the book p35 - do ICQs

Freer practice (5-10 minutes) • To practice fluency

- ask S to mingle around the room and ask each other what are their families do in the morning - then ask them who has the best activity and why

Encourage prediction (3-5 minutes) • To assist with comprehension

- draw a bubble on the board and write some expressions from the book - ask them to predict some expressions

Noticing the TL (3-5 minutes) • To extract the TL from the text

- make them listen and answer individually - then check their answers together - do ICQs - check the answers with them

Focus on the MPF • To deliver the TL

MEANING - explain how we form questions with the PS FORM - how do we form the questions with PS CCQs - ask some questions about the question form

Focus on the MPF (10 minutes) • To deliver the TL

MEANING - explain how we form questions with the PS FORM - how do we form the questions with PS CCQs - ask some questions about the question form

Controlled written practice (3-5 minutes) • To practice accuracy

- answer the Ex. A in the book p37 - ask them to answer individually - then check answers together - check the answers with each other - do ICQs

Freer practice (5-10 minutes) • To practice fluency

- ask S to work in pairs - make each student to ask the other about 5 things they do in this week, and says is he/she busy or not

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