Arzu R-va Arzu R-va

past simple: was/were/wasn't weren't
Elementary level


In this lesson the students will focus on grammar structure of the verb "be" in past simple, it's meaning/form/ pronunciation. The students are going to drill was/were/wasnt weren't in different writing tasks such as fill the gaps and choose the corect form of the verb. They will listened to the text and analyse the gramar structure. Moreover, the learners will write their own story about the party they were and practice it by speaking.


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Main Aims

  • To provide accuracy in the contect of past simple for the verb "be"

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency in the context of past simple of the verb be through semicontrolled and freer parctice


warm-up/lead in (3-5 minutes) • brainstorming about using the verb "be" in different contexts.

Set up the classroom/chairs for a group work. Ask the students to work in group of three or four and sit in a circle. Give each group a photocopy of the picture on p. 46 from c/b Face 2face elementary. One can be stuck on the board. Ask the students the students to predict who these people are. What are they doing? Where do these people live? Are they happy or now? How do you know that it’s a birthday party? What do you see in the picture? Encourage the students to discuss it in group. Observe the students during the discussion. Get the feed back from the students by choosing one member from a group. Then ask the students when the birthday is. Is it today? Write on the board the word yesterday. Ask the students can we say her birthday is yesterday? What will we say? We’ll use was because it’s past. Questions may vary according the answers of the learners and not all of them are goig to be asked.

listening/language focus (5-7 minutes) • to focus on grammar structure in the context of the birthday party

Ask the students to work in pairs. Divide in cakes and candles Now you are going to listen about this birthday party and check if you are right or wrong in your predictions/ guessing. Give the students handouts with the text of the listening from Ex 3 p.46 Listen to the text. Ask the students who is talking. Pair work. Then ask the students to read the text again. Find the names of places, number of people, food, drink, and people not at the party and underline these things in the text. Write the instructions on the board Ask instruction checking questions. Are you going to write something? – No What do you need to find? Do you want to check your answers. Then it’s right under your table. Stick the answer key under the tables.

language focus/ teaching grammar (5-7 minutes) • to raise students' awarenes in accuracy of using the verb "be" in past simple through teaching material and concept checking questions

Ask the students when is birthday? How do we know? Ask the students if we use just the verb was or there is something else? Ask the students what is was/were and if it is the same as is. Use the board to show the verb be Be (infinitive) present is/am/are past was/were Show the negative form wasn’t/weren’t Do some pronunciation drilling with negative form

controlled/semicontrolled practice (7-10 minutes) • to drill accuracy

Ask the students to find was/were /wasn’t /weren’t circle them. Then ask them to discuss when we use them. feedback by asking concept checking questions like will we use was with cars? Were with an apple? Why? Get the students to come to conclusion themselves. When we use was/were Get the students to say the rule. Drilling exercises on filling the gaps. Give the instructions that they are going to fill the gaps. Hand out folded worksheets with answer key. Warn that they can’t see the other part of the page. Ask instructions checking questions. Still pair work Ask the students to do ex 4) b p 46 to fill the gaps Ask the students to work in solo and do ex 5 on p 47. Give out handouts/ folded with answer key. Writing/solo work/ separate the tables

pre-writing (5-7 minutes) • brainstorming before writing the story

Stick some pictures related with a party on the board. Write expressions like there was/were/wasn’t weren’t Do you like parties? Now you are going to write your own story about the party you were. It might be birthday/ wedding party. Think of the ideas on the board. How was your party? Think of the place/ time/ people/ food/drink/ presents/feelings. You have 5 minutes. Ask instruction checking questions.

writing (7-10 minutes) • to provide accuracy through semicontrolled practice

Now you are going to write your own story about the party you were. It might be birthday/ wedding party. Think of the ideas on the board. How was your party? Think of the place/ time/ people/ food/drink/ presents/feelings. You have 5 minutes. Ask instruction checking questions. What are they going to write? – a story about the party Is it about present or past? - past Is it just two sentences long? No What do they need to write about? Join the students in pairs from different ends of the classroom and ask them to check their stories and correct each other’s errors.

speaking (7-10 minutes) • provide accuracy and fluency through semicontrolled and freer practice

Divide the class in was/were and get them sit face to face at a distance. Ask the students to tell their partner about their party. Turn on the music and make them speak aloud.

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