Sarah Hernandez Sarah Hernandez

Functional Language TP6
Pre Intermediate level


In this lesson the students will review the general language of agreeing and disagreeing.


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Main Aims

  • To provide practice of language used for Agreeing and Disagreeing in the context of Competition

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide specific information listening practice using a text about Competition in the context of Experience


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students with the topic.

The teacher will begin the lesson by asking the following question: Do you agree with competing? The teacher will ask this question to try and captivate the attention of the students, the teacher will give the students 5 minutes to interact with the question.

Gist (2-5 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through an audio

The teacher will share an audio with the students for them to listen to it and for them to answer some questions that the teacher prepared for them. While doing this the teacher will share a slide with the questions the students will be expected to answer.

Analysis (5-7 minutes) • To have students engage with the target language, with a target activity.

The teacher will present an analysis activity portion of the lesson, for this the teacher will have the students fill in sentences according to the target language at hand. To make it easier on the students the teacher has created a simple task of multiple choice. They will have a limit of 5mins to complete this stage.

Clarification (8-0 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

For this stage of the lesson, the teacher will provide an explanation of the meaning, pronunciation and form. The slides the teacher will use will fill shown with the target language and useful phrases. The teacher will module the pronunciation of said target language and will then have the students repeat it after, to ensure that the students have understood and are left with no questions, the teacher will use CCQs.

Controlled Practice (5-7 minutes) • To concept check and to prepare students for freer practice using the target language.

The teacher will explain the activity at hand, for this stage of the lesson the teacher will have the students complete an activity formed around the target language, the students will be given a link to complete the activity, once this is done the teacher ill give the students time to discuss their answers with their classmates.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice to use the target language while going back to past experiences.

For the final stage of the activity portion of the lesson, the students will have the opportunity to put the target language to use. The students will be able to discuss their past experiences involving competing and whether they agree or disagree with the topic. While this is happening the teacher will split the students into groups for them to discuss., as this is happening the teacher will be going in and out of the groups catching sentences or phrases that the students say, to applaud their use of the target language, and to correct mistakes made.

Error Correction (3-5 minutes) • To provide an error correction, and to applaud correct use of target language.

For this final stage the teacher will collect sentences both correct and incorrect from the students freer practice. The teacher will be doing this for the students to identify the mistakes and correct them as a group.

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