Copy of Have to and must to
pre-intermediate level
Main Aims
To provide clarification and practice of have to,don't have to,must,mustn't in the context of permissions and obligations
Subsidiary Aims
To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of rules and obligations
To provide practice the pronunciation of model verbs have to, don't have to , must and mustn't in sentences through listening and repeating.
Procedure (31-47 minutes)
T shows a video of Turkish airlines safety Demo. T asks the students to discuss the rules of airports and airplanes in pairs. T elicits some examples from Sts
T chests exercise (a) HOs. T tells Sts that now they have to match the rules to the notices or the pics. T asks Sts to check their answers in pairs. T provides answer key on the projector.
T chest exercise (b) Hos. T instruct Sts that now they have to fill the gaps with the correct highlighted expression in (a). T asks the Sts to check their answers in pairs. T provides answer key on the board. T chests the rules of have to, don't have ,must mustn't.
T chests HOs . T instructs the Sts to choose the correct answer whether have to/must /don't have to/or mustn't or both in pairs. T provides answer key on the projector.
T instruct Sts that they have to listen two sentences and have to guess which letter is silent. T plays audio 3.36 T now instruct Sts that now they are going to listen to number of sentences and have to repeat after it. T plays audio 3.34 and 3.35
T chests free practice activity to Sts. T instruct Sts that they have to discuss in pairs what you must/mustn't/have to/don't have to do in these different events. T provides Sts with modal language that they should use. T provides FB if time allows