tugba tugba

TP5 Months and Ordinal numbers
Beginner level


In this lesson, Ss will guess the months and drill and practice with a ball game. They will practice spelling by jumbled words. They will practice the ordinal numbers, listen and practice them. They will go on practicing by a lime my time exercise and finish with a mingle activity.


Main Aims

  • To introduce and practice vocabulary (months and ordinary numbers)

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice speaking in the context of birthday


warm up/ lead in (1-2 minutes) • To activate Ss background information related to the subject and awaken their interest

Greeting, Show a calendar (only the first letter of the months should exist, delete the other letters, students will guess them later) elicit 'calendar', elicit 'months'.

Guessing (2-3 minutes) • To test and activate students background information about the names of the months.

1. chest the calendar. 2. what is the name of this month? (show January) 3. write the first letter on the board and let them say the name of the month. 4.do this to the rest of the months.

Drill (4-5 minutes) • to practice pronunciation of the names of the months

1. Drill the names of the months. 2. Write the names of the months

Practice 1 (5-6 minutes) • To practice the pronunciation of the words

1. make them stand up 2. make a circle 3. ask them 'what is this?' (by acting like you playing with a basketball) - a ball 4. ask them 'what colour is it?' ..... 5. ask someone and say 'January' 6. help him/her say 'February' 7. go on doing this for a while than do it quicker.

Spelling (3-4 minutes) • To practice the spelling of the words

1. make them pairs 2. chest the handout and say they are the names of months but they are jumbled. Write the names of the months. 3. Give the handouts and 4. make a demo on the board. 5. set the time, 4 min. 6.while they study, monitor actively and help with the mistakes.

Introducing the ordinal numbers. (followed by Ex. 2a) (5-6 minutes) • To elicit their background information about ordinary numbers and to introduce them.

1.write '1' on the board and ask the name. 2. write 'th' next to the '1' and ask the name 3. Drill the spelling 4. write the other ordinary numbers and elicit the pronunciation 5. write the spelling (highlighted the target language)

Ex. 2b practice • To practice the pronunciation of the dates

1. chest the handout and tell Ss to read the dates to eachother. 2. WC FB.

Example 5 - listening (3-4 minutes) • To practice listening

1. chest the handout and show the dates and say they will listen to a dialogue, some of the dates are in the dialogue. Find which ones are in the dialogue. 2. When they finish, let them check with their partner. 3.WC FB 4. write some more dates and ask them to pronounce them just to make sure they can say the date.

Game (dictation) Exercise 6.b (5-6 minutes) • To practice speaking and spelling the dates.

1. Chest the handout and tell them the two handouts are different, they will have one and won't show their friend. 2. They will read the date and their friend will write. 3. Show the handouts to eachother and check.

Ex. 6 c Speaking activity (5-6 minutes) • To provide Ss with practice in speaking

1. show them a birthday cake. 2. elicit 'birthday' 3. draw a question mark on the board and elicit 'when is your birthday?' 4. tell your birthday as an example. 5. ask a students birthday and let him answer. 6. tell him to ask his friends birthday. 7. ask them to stand up walk around and ask eachothers birthday. 8. monitor and do EC at the end.

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