Boston Sullivan Boston Sullivan

LP TP 8 Boston
Intermediate level


This lesson is a speaking lesson to practice fluency with language about planning a trip to the wilderness.


Abc F2F Intermediate Student's Book
Abc Handouts
Abc Images
Abc Markerboard
Abc Listening Audio

Main Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation about warnings and advice in the context of traveling, wilderness, and tourism.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide specific information listening practice using a text about wilderness and outdoor recreation.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T will tell a brief story: -About Paul, a friend who goes camping. --He is going camping in the mountains. --He asks me what to bring. --I tell him "(Don't forget) warm clothes." --He doesn't, and when he goes to bed at night, he cannot sleep at all. What did I tell him? Elicit: "I told you, Paul. (Don't forget) warm clothes."

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through listening

-Ss will listen to the audio. -At the end of the audio, ss will break into pairs and discuss: --what items the park ranger suggested. --what you should do when you see a bear. --what should you do when you go to the outback.

Useful Language (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

CCQs for the audio: -Does the ranger recommend waterproof clothes? -Is the old tent useful? -Will the woman need a torch? -Drill these questions: --Don't forget to bring your petrol. --You'd better carry extra food. --Make sure you have spare maps. -T will highlight the useful language on the board. --Tenses of the advice and warnings. Future primarily. -Clarify these words: --safety, dehydration, heatstroke.

Scaffolding (8-10 minutes) • To prepare learners for the productive task

-Ss will break into groups of 4-5. --One group is traveling to the desert, the other group are desert rangers who will help them. --One group will create a list of items they believe they need for the desert. --Other group will create a list of things in the desert they should be careful about. Example items to bring: --Water --Blankets --Tough clothes Example things to watch out for: --Heat --Sandstorms --Animals

Productive Task (8-10 minutes) • To provide practice and production of new language for increased fluency

-Ss will now break into pairs: one ranger and one traveler. --The travelers will present all of the items they believe they need. --The rangers will tell them what they think they need and why they are wrong or right in taking certain items. -When finished, T will use good examples of speech and error correction at the end of the lesson to produce content and linguistic feedbackk.

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