Mederic Hoffmann Mederic Hoffmann

Teaching Practice 5
Beginner level


In this lesson will go through the vocabulary of daily routines, by reviewing frequency adverbs and phrases with every. Focusing on the meaning, and how to use these words in different activities, students will have to speak and say those words over and over in the different contexts, to get a proper assimilation.


Main Aims

  • To provide practice and clarification of frequency adverbs and phrases with 'every' in the context of daily routines

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a conversation and everyday use in in the context of daily routines


Warmer/Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Teacher will stick papers on the WB, every one of them has 'day' on it. Then T will hand flashcards over to the students, with the missing parts of days of the week. They will have to come to the WB to stick the halves next to the days, but in the right order (Monday => Sunday). T will of course will show an example with "Monday". This will get to a question: What's your favourite day? T shall elicit Sunday which will lead to the next task.

Exposure to Target Language & Reading Activity (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text, prepare the students, scanning for specific information and put it into use

Teacher will stick two pictures on the WB. They are representing Maggie & Pete, who are the two people the students will be focusing on when they're going to read the text. T will say their favourite day is Sunday, but Why? So T will give instructions about going through a text, but for only one information. Then T will write: What do they always do on Sundays? Ss will receive the text, face down, and then will have 1 minute to go through it to get the information, peer checking, then another time. WC FB

Vocabulary Meaning, Clarification & Controlled Practice (10-12 minutes) • To practice the target language, clarify the meaning, form & pronunciation

Teacher will ask to hide the text, then will draw a cline on the WB. Showing 100% (Always) and 0% (Never), clarifying at first the meaning of those adverbs (add symbols if necessary). After will put Sometimes on it and leave two gaps. At this time Ss will have to find the last two adverbs and put them on the handout which was given to them. T will perform drillings after that. For the second exercise, T will make an example like 'I watch TV every day' and Ss will have to put the every + time in the right order. They will work in pairs for both exercises.

Semi-Controlled Practice & Review (12-14 minutes) • To concept check and review of the form & pronunciation

T will write "What does each person (Maggie & Pete) always, usually, sometimes, never do on Sundays?" Ss will have to go through the text again to get these informations, put them on the handout which is a table (divided into two main sections: always/usually/sometimes/never for maggie/pete). T will do a demo. 3/4 minutes to do it. As they do it, T will write on WB examples of what we've seen so far so they could get a proper visual on the form and review the rules.

Semi-Controlled Practice/Freer Spoken Practice (10-15 minutes) • To give students an opportunity to use the target language in a meaningful context of personal routine

T will stick hours to the board, then will hand out daily activities, T will explain that this is his daily routine. Ss will have to stand up and match every flash card they have to the hours. Then changing pairs, each student will write two true sentences and two false about his/her routine, and the partner will have to guess. Using the TL + new vocab. on the WB. T will perform a demo with a volunteer (or a victim). Then depending on the time remaining, pairs talk about what they know of their partner's routine.

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