Sean Sean

Life Skills
CLB 3 level


In this lesson students will learn about past and present tense through tasked based learning using activities and role play. This lesson starts with a fun kinesthetic learning activity followed by a role play where students get to introduce themselves practice using present and past tense from a script then on their own without a script.


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Main Aims

  • To provide practice of to learn present and past tense in the form of introducing yourself to someone new. in the context of Greeting, introduction, meeting new people.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Learn some new vocabulary. Students will be able to introduce themselves and respond to questions appropriately. Students will practice simple present like “I am from” and “I have been” and will also develop a set of simple questions to ask when meeting new people.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Students will play “Beach Ball” chain question game to review vocabulary used when greeting and review words practiced from the previous class. The game is fun and simple, have students pass a beach ball around the classroom. Ask students to recall what they enjoy doing in their spare time. Then have the student pass the ball to their peer then ask the next “what do you like to do in their spare time.” Encourage the students to add tense to their answer “I played hockey yesterday”. Continue this game until every student has answered two times. End the game by thanking everyone for sharing and that you enjoyed their answers.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of the task and highlight useful words and phrases

Show a Self-introduction speech video to warm up the class by using this YouTube as a way to activate scheme and inspiration. (Show video link here ). When the video is over ask the class for their thoughts and what they liked about her introduction.

Task (8-10 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Start the PowerPoint and show the slide on how to introduce yourself using present, past, and for a bonus; future tense. Show the rules for these tenses with examples using this table: See ppt. Using the power point re read some key points listed from the video. Ask the class to pay attention to the tense she used. Key points from the video. “I was raised...”, “I've been playing sports...” , “I was involved”, “I plan...”. After finished reading the points ask students what they notice about the tenses used see if anyone would like to discuss if they are ready too.

Planning (6-8 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to plan students' introduction

Whole Class Activity – Using the ppt show list then sort the dialogue into tenses used in the video. Do so by asking the class to help list them. Ask students to answer while the teacher fills in the blanks. Do not answer them until the class has done so, let them discus it out. Correct as needed and give feedback or examples if students need more understanding. d.i. On the ppt click out the key points and leave a blank space to fill in the correct tense beside it like this, have students help you as you show the list in the ppt, ask for choral feedback: everyone together “I .. was..” try and lower their effective filter doing it as a group at first. d.i.1. I (was) raised in ____________ -Past d.i.2. I (have) been to ___________ -Present d.i.3. I (was) involved ___________ -Past d.i.4. I (plan) to_________ -Future

Pair work - roleplay (10-15 minutes) • To allow students to practice in pairs

Role Play – Introduce yourself: Teacher divides the class into pairs. Explain to the students they will now practice introducing themselves to the other peer. First: using their template then Secondly: without their template. The second time ask the students to add more about themselves using past and present tense. a. Instruct the student 1 to listen for proper use of tense and ask for help if students need clarification. b. Have both students introduce themselves to each other three times. Ask students to build on each time they introduce themselves adding one new thing about themselves. c. Correction and Feedback: While the students are working walk around the classroom and observe if the students are able to use past and present tense properly. Note down any error's students are making and keep for later. The most important part of this is to allow students to achieve fluency without being interrupted with global error correction. d. While the students are working walk around the classroom and observer if the students are able to use past and present tense properly. Note down any errors students are making and keep for later. The most important part of this is to allow students to achieve fluency without being interrupted with global error correction.

Conclusion/Wrap-up • Give feedback and correction

Error Correction: Using the notes taken from the role play address any errors students made and correct them now. Usefulness: Explain to the class how being able to introduce yourself is important for everyday life and making new friends. Explain how it is also useful when building their English skill and the more they get comfortable using it the better they will learn English. Without singling out the introverted students this may have been stressful so be sure to thank them for participating and that you enjoyed their introductions.

Next Lesson and Homework

Ask students to practice at home with their family and friends then if they are comfortable enough practice with someone new they meet. Lastly ask students to practice past tense and present tense with the handouts given in class and write out three of each for next class to present to the class. The next class will review what was learned and the 3 pillars from last class and teacher to ask students if they have any questions. Have students share homework. Next class will continue the theme of life skills in the context of making an appointment on the phone with the grammar focus of prepositions and their proper use when connecting words and how its normally followed by a noun or pronoun. For example, “excited with you”.

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