TP5 - Love it, like it, hate it! We're twins.
A1 - Beginners level
Main Aims
To provide clarification and practice of object pronouns in the context of likes and dislikes.
Subsidiary Aims
To provide gist and detailed reading practice using a text about twins in the context of likes and dislikes.
To provide accuracy speaking practice in asking questions/ answering questions in the context of likes and dislikes.
Procedure (45-59 minutes)
1. T displays a picture of the National Geographic Magazine Cover featuring identical twins but with the headline "TWINS" covered. 2. T elicits that they are sisters with the same birthday and elicits the word twins (revealing the title). 3. T displays two other pictures of twins that aren't identical and three sentences to match. 4. In pairs, students have one minute to match the statements to the pictures. a) They have the same blue eyes. b) They have different hairstyles. c) They both play tennis. 5. T asks if sts know any twins.
1. T introduces twins, Jack and Jenny, and writes the following task on the board. a) Find two things they both like. 2. T gives students the handout and sts have 2 minutes to skim and scan for the task. 3. T writes WC FB on the WB. "Jack and Jenny both like ............. and ............." 4. T shows students the gap-fill comprehension questions and does the first one with the class. 5. Sts have 2 minutes to answer the questions. 6. Sts peer check with partners then give WC FB.
1. T writes an example of the target language on the board and explains the form: subject/ verb /object a) I love soap operas b) Jack hates them. T shows that it is boring to repeat the same object. CCQ: What is them? 2. T gives one subject pronoun card to each pair and writes the subject/object pronoun table on the board. 3. In pairs, sts have 1 minute to decide (using text if as a guide) where to place their card in the table on the board. 4. Sts place their cards on the board and check as a whole class.
1. T gives sts a handout with the table of subject and object pronouns. 2. T explains the gap-fill activity and does the first one with the class. a) Do you like Madonna? Yes, I like ............ a lot. 3. Sts complete the gap-fill activity in pairs. 4. WC FB.
1. T models activity: reading the questions and the answers from the sheet in pairs. 2. In pairs, sts take turns to ask each other the questions and respond with the answers on the sheet. 3. T gives delayed error correction for pronunciation.
1. T models activity: sts take turns asking each other the questions and answering for themselves. 2. In pairs, students ask each other questions and answer for themselves. 3. T asks for feedback about sts. e.g. "Who likes shopping for clothes?"
1. T puts sts into 3 groups.. 2. T models activity: in each group sts pick a card from the pile and ask if the other students like what is written on the card e.g. "Do you like doner?". The other students must respond with the TL using object pronouns. Teacher elicits possible answers. 3. Sts do the activity and T tells them when to change groups. 3. Sts give FB on content. 4. T gives delayed error correction on WB.