Leigh Davidson Leigh Davidson

Durham Tech ESL: Lesson 3
Level 1B level


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Main Aims

  • By the end of this lesson, Ss should be able to ask and answer basic introduction questions: 'What is your name?'; 'Where are you from?'; 'What do you speak?'
  • By the end of this lesson, Ss should be able to understand 'capitalization' and how it is applied to English in written form.

Subsidiary Aims

  • By the end of this lesson, Ss should be able to talk about and share information about their fellow peers (his/her/their/he/she/it; e.g. 'His name is Carlos and he is from Colombia.').
  • By the end of this lesson, Ss should be able to accurately use contractions when sharing information about their fellow peers (e.g. 'He's from Colombia. She's from Qatar.').


Warmer/Lead-in (11-13 minutes) • To concept check from previous lesson and continue with exercises

Start with some example sentences on the WB, to check for comprehension of Lesson 1 and Lesson 2's TL. Instruct the Ss, as a WC, to circle the correct answer. 1) WHAT'S/I'M CARLOS. 2) WHAT'S/I AM FROM MEXICO. 3) WHAT IS/IT IS YOUR NAME? 4) IT IS/WHAT IS MARIA. 5) I AM/WHAT'S THIS? 6) IT'S/I AM A BACKPACK. Then proceed with the 'contractions' exercises from the previous lesson. --Write the contractions on the WB and explain. Use the introductions example from Lesson 1 ("My name is.." vs "I'm..."). --Ss listen and repeat. Page 8, Ex B --Project on the WB and clarify. Ss listen and repeat. Page 8, Ex C --Ss listen and fill in the blank. S-S EC and then WC FB. Distribute the HO from Page 9. Have the Ss first write individually. Then ask and answer with a partner. Then WC FB.

Semi-Controlled Practice (15-17 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Instruct the WC to collect more information from their fellow Ss. Distribute the countries HO and model at least one example. Write on the WB: A: WHAT'S YOUR NAME? B: MY NAME IS.. A: CAN YOU SPELL THAT PLEASE? B: S-A-R-A A: WHERE ARE YOU FROM? B: I AM FROM... A: CAN YOU SPELL THAT PLEASE? B: B-R-A-Z-I-L Make sure that the Ss know they should listen and write their fellow peers' names and birth countries. Make it clear that the Ss should 'spell' their name and birth country for each other. Following PW/GW discussion, bring the WC together for FB. Write some examples on the WB. Include the helping questions/answers: WHAT'S HIS/HER NAME? HIS/HER NAME IS... WHERE IS HE/SHE FROM? HE/SHE IS FROM...

Controlled Practice (10-11 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare student's for free practice

Distribute the HO [Page 11, Foley and Neblett. English in Action.] and have the Ss, in pairs, try to complete the activity together. Model the example together. Bring the WC together for FB. Go through the HW from Lesson 2; provide FB and answer any questions.

Clarification (9-11 minutes) • To clarify the meaning for some common instructions in an ESL classroom

Spend some time to clarify some common instructions for the course. Project Pg 10 [Fesler and Newman. Taking Off.] and go through the instructions. Have Ss listen and repeat. Then have the WC listen and do. Distribute the HO and have the Ss listen and circle. Go through Pg 11 and have the Ss listen and 'act out' the instructions. Write on the WB: LISTEN, SPEAK, READ, and WRITE

Clarification (13-15 minutes) • To clarify the meaning and form of the target language

Wrtite on the WB the teacher's name and where she is from. 'leigh davidson' and 'the united states.' Elicit from the WC whether this is correct. Try to focus on capitalization. Distribute the HO from Pg 13, Ex A [Fesler and Newman. Taking Off.] Instruct the Ss to read. Write on the WB-- NAME: COUNTRY: SCHOOL: Elicit from the WC the answers to these questions ("What's his name?"; "What's his teacher's name?"; "Where is he from?"; "What is his school's name?"). Write provided answers without capital letters, trying to elicit EC from the Ss. Write on the WB PEOPLE and PLACES and underneath, the 'Writing Note' from PG 13. Emphasize the capitalization for each category. Distribute the HO from Pg 13, Ex B [Fesler and Newman. Taking Off.] and instruct the Ss to write and correct the sentences. Bring the WC together for FB.

Highlighting and Clarification (17-19 minutes) • To draw Ss attention to the TL and provide some controlled practice

Show the WC some items in the classroom (e.g. pen, pencil, notebook, desk, window, computer, etc.). WHAT'S THIS? Elicit from the WC the name, and spelling, of these objects. Hold up a book and pen and ask, "Same?" Hold up a pen and pen and ask, "Same?" Hold up a pen and pencil and ask, "Different?" Write on the WB and clarify: SAME - DIFFERENT Then continue with the plurals of these objects (e.g.: three pens, five desks, two notebooks/books). Highlight the 'S' on the WB. Elicit from the Ss the spelling for the numbers. Write on the WB: HOW MANY? Then introduce some change. Go through all of the coins (1 cent; 5 cents; 10 cents; 25 cents). Write on the WB the amount and the question HOW MUCH? HOW MUCH IS THAT? Make sure to reinforce SAME and DIFFERENT. Then do some basic addition with the coins and the WC.

Highlighting and Clarification (22-25 minutes) • To draw Ss attention to the TL and to clarify meaning, form, and pronunciation

Write on the WB: WHAT IS MY NAME?--MY NAME IS LEIGH DAVIDSON. WHERE AM I FROM?--I AM FROM THE UNITED STATES. WHAT DO I SPEAK?--I SPEAK ENGLISH AND TURKISH. Distribute the HO from Pg 21, Ex A [Fesler and Newman. Taking Off.]. Introduce the characters. "This is Carlos. This is Tien. ...." Instruct the Ss to LISTEN and WRITE. Go through the table with the WC. E.g.: "This is Carlos. He is from Brazil. He speaks Portuguese [spell]." Following the activity, allow the Ss to EC with their partner. Then go through WC FB. (E.g.: "What does Ben speak?" "Where is Maria from?" Etc.) Write on the WB the grammar component. [Try to elicit the answers from the WC] A: CARLOS IS FROM [BRAZIL]. WHAT DOES HE SPEAK? B: HE SPEAKS [PORTUGUESE]. A: TIEN IS FROM [VIETNAM]. WHAT DOES SHE SPEAK? B: SHE SPEAKS [VIETNAMESE]. I SPEAK ENGLISH. WHAT DO YOU SPEAK? I SPEAK... Elicit from a few Ss their answers. Create a chart on the WB to fill in. Column 1: WHAT'S YOUR NAME? Column 2: WHERE ARE YOU FROM? Column 3: WHAT DO YOU SPEAK? Have the Ss come to the WB and complete the chart with their information. Elicit from the WC some information from the chart. Write on the WB the grammar components (I [Am/Speak]; You, We, They [Are/Speak]; He, She, It [Is/Speaks]) and instruct them to WRITE 3 SENTENCES about their classmates from the WB chart. Model an example sentence. Bring the WC together for FB.

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