Adrin Adrin

Past simple 1
Elementary level


In this lesson, the students are going to learn about past starts with a lead in part and continues with some practices and exposure then it ends with a production part.


Abc Audio 6.1

Main Aims

  • Grammar
  • Speaking

Subsidiary Aims

  • Vocabulary
  • Listening


Lead-in (4-6 minutes) • To engage with students about the lesson

At this stage in the lesson i am going to talk about celebrities & try to open a conversation about the life of one.

Presentation (5-6 minutes) • Eliciting students and set them up for the lesson

I will use the words of the reading to elicite the students for the new words & then after, i will use modeling to teach them

Reading (5-7 minutes) • Usage of the new words in context & set them up for the grammar part

I will give limited time to let the students read the paragraph B & underline the words that have been taught to them in the pre-teaching part & then give answers to the question in part 3.

Listening (5-7 minutes) • To teach students the new words of this lesson

I will play the listening of part A & fill in the blanks given; then i will tell them to answer the questions given in practice 2.

Presentation (4-6 minutes) • To make students understand the usage of this lesson

Wuth the usage the context given in the reading, i will try explaining the grammar to them using the WB.

Presentation (4-6 minutes) • To make students understand the usage of this lesson

Wuth the usage the context given in the reading, i will try explaining the grammar to them using the WB.

Speaking (8-12 minutes) • To make students understand the usage of this lesson

In this speaking i will pair the students two by two & then put them in groups & in the end, i will engage with them in order to listen to them & if necessary, correct them or if some haven't understood the lesson, try explaining to them in person.

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