asrar ahmad asrar ahmad

Teaching Practice 5
Elementary level


This lesson' My Kind of Place' is the first lesson in a series of lessons on the topic of 'Homes and Shops'. In this lesson Ss learn and practice about the use of 'There is/There are' phrases to express the existance of things at a certain place. The lesson starts with a discussion about a picture of a lake. This is followed by presentation, controlled practice and free practice activites to improve students' speaking skill.


Abc Exercise 6 a from the coursebook"face2face" by Chris Redston with Gillie Cunningham

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of there is and there are

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide listening practice


Lead in/warmer (6-8 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T asks Ss as group to focus on the photo of Keswick and makes students elicit names of things in photo and use them in complete sentences using 'there is' and 'there are' phrases.

Presentation (12-15 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful grammar expressions 'there is/ there are for epressing existance of things at a certain place.

Activity 1. Teachers asks students as groups to fill in the gaps in the tables with 's, is, are, isn't, or aren't. * Teacher asks Ss some CCQs to check they have understood his instructions * monitoring * Teacher asks students to check their answers together. * Teacher highlights the inverted word order of questions: Is/Are + there +........... and the use of any in negatives and and questions with there are. Students fill in the gaps on their own and then check answers in pairs.

Controlled Practice (10-15 minutes) • To provide students with a review of the TL in context.

Teachers asks students as groups to fill in the gaps in the sentences with 's, are, isn't, or aren't. * Teacher asks Ss some CCQs to check they have understood his instructions. * Teacher asks students to check their answers together. * Ss check each other's answers.

free practice of the TL (12-15 minutes) • To allow Ss to use the phrases they have learned with as little assistance as possible .

Ss work in pairs. Each student asks his partner about places near his/her house. Then they complete questions putting yes/no in me and my partner columns.

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