Jesús Amador Jesús Amador

Pre-intermediate level


In this lesson, Ss practice their speaking skills by talking about their own travel experiences, and places they haven't visited but would like to visit. The learners will also practice lexis used to talk about vacation.


Abc Jamboard presentation

Main Aims

  • To provide Students with speaking practice in the context of places for vacation.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To give students the opportunity to discover the MFPA of new lexical items
  • To give students an opportunity to practice their speaking fluency in the context of places for vacation.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T greets students and starts the lesson with a question. What are two places you would like to visit for a vacation? Why? T Shows 2 pictures and demonstrate. T asks students to share ideas with a partner in breakout rooms. T conducts OCFB.

Content Preparation (5-8 minutes) • To prepare students for the content of the task.

T shows pictures of places that clearly illustrate an environment for vacation. T gives a brief description of one of the pictures. T asks students to work with a partner in breakout rooms. Ss talk about the places by using the following question prompts. 1. Do you know this place? What country is it located in? If you don't know, try to guess. 2. Would you choose this place for a vacation? why? 3. What makes a place to go on vacation special to you? T conducts OCFB with students by having a couple of students talk about the places.

Language Preparation (10-15 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

T Displays a list of vocabulary words related to vacation. e.g. Amazing, crowded, farm, go sightseeing, jungle, island, lake, beach, tour, go on a cruise, guided tour. The teacher elicits meaning to make sure students know what to talk about next but also uses CCQs for clarification. CCQs: Are there a lot of people or few people in a crowded place? If you go sightseeing, do you go to interesting places or contaminated places? If you go sightseeing, do you want to see beautiful or ordinary landscapes? What will you probably see in the jungle? animals or people? If you go on a tour, do you visit one place or more than one place? If you go on a cruise, do you travel on a big ship or on a bus? T provides some pictures and asks students to match the pictures and the words. T drills pronunciation of the most difficult words with students. (Practice word stress and intonation)

Productive Task(s) (10-12 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Instruction: Talk to a partner about the last place you visited on a vacation? Use the prompts below to guide you. 1. Name of the place. 2. Give a short description of the place. (amazing, wonderful, incredible, own ideas) 3. What did you do during your vacation? 3. Would you recommend this place to go on a vacation? why? 4. Now, what is one place you want to visit in the future. Why do you want to go there? T monitors and notes down students' mistakes to provide feedback and reformulation in the next stage.

Feedback and Error Correction (5-8 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

- T conducts OCFB based on what was carried out in the productive task stage. - T writes sentences, language, or chunks that were used inaccurately by learners. Then the teacher elicits pronunciation from students, or reformulate sentences that need improvement. - T highlights pronunciation/lexis or grammar errors.

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