Heba-Tullah  Arafa Said El-Shahed Heba-Tullah Arafa Said El-Shahed



Abc New Cutting Edge Intermediate

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of different categories of programs on TV and Radio in the context of in the listening
  • To provide practice of different categories of programs on TV and Radio in the context of in the listening

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist listening practice using a text about TV and Radio programs in the context of in the listening


TP3 • to have students practiced on vocabulary of different categories of programs of TV and radio.

*lead-in, we will discuss the topic of different kinds of radio programs , let them discuss in pairs what are their popular and favorite, and students will match the types of program to either TV or radio or both. (from 5 to 7 min) *Exposure,Highlight and Clarification, elicit meaning by showing pictures to a' buzzer' and the 'act of proposing', and do description for the two words' broken down ' and 'injured'. After each one check meaning , drill and write on the board and clarify form and meaning.(10 min) *Controlled practice , listening task in pairs with simple questions what kind of programs ? is it TV or radio then content feedback. *Freer practice, a role play, divide class into two groups , each should make a TV or Radio program and the other group should guess what kind is it?

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