Shaimaa Deebes Shaimaa Deebes

Reading: The Myth that make you feel guilty.
intermediate level


Abc Reading passage

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will have developed their ability to read for gist and specific information with particular reference to a newspaper article on lifestyle myths, that make people feel guilty. They will have developed their oral fluency with specific reference to discussing their common beliefs about lifestyles.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed reading practice using a text about The myths that make you feel guilty in the context of lifestyle and common beliefs


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context andTo generate interest in the topic, personalize the lesson and develop oral fluency. engage students

Ask Ss to look at the pictures in the PPT and read the questions: Is there a lot of advice about lifestyle in newspapers and magazines in your country? Which photos remind you of yourself? Then ask them what they think of these opinions: 1. Young people spend too much time on the internet. 2. People who get up early are more productive. 3. Multitasking is an essential modern skill. 4. There's no such thing as too much exercise.

Pre-Reading: Pre-teach Vocabulary (5-10 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Teach these 4 vocabularies to Ss. Try to elicit the meaning of every word. If you cannot, just give it to them. For example 1. myths Tell students: 1. it is an idea or story that people believe in, but which is not true. 2. it is the opposite of fact and the synonym of fallacy. When one of them say it, ask about its plural and add "s" "myths": Write it on the board and Ask CCQs: 1. Are these beliefs true? (N) 2. Do many people believe in them? (Y) Ask them about the form: What part of speech is it? Then drill its pronunciation "Myths" moving from the /th/ to the /s/. Model x 3, choral repetition x 3 and individual repetition x 3 at random. 2. guilty "Situation" Yesterday, I went to the teachers' room and because I was very hungry, I ate some fruits that I found there on the table. Then I knew that these fruits were all what Kholoud had for her long day. So I felt .... for eating her food. As a working mother, I can tell that we are the parents feel .... about the time we spend with our kids. Meaning: Write it on the board and ask CCQs: 1. Was I happy when I knew? (Y) 2. Did I make sth wrong? (Y) 3. Did I regret it? (Y) Form: Ask them about the form: What part of speech is it? adj Pronunciation: Model x 3, choral repetition x 3 and individual repetition x 3 at random. It is stressed on the 1st syllable /'gilti/. 3. grumpy What do we call someone who is ill-tempered, is in a bad mood or gets easily annoyed? We usually say "let her take her coffee and take her time because she is a bit .... in the morning." Meaning: Write it on the board and ask CCQs: 1. is she happy in the morning? (N) 2. Someone who is grumpy, can easily get annoyed? (Y) Form: Ask them about the form: What part of speech is it? adj Pronunciation: Model x 3, choral repetition x 3 and individual repetition x 3 at random. Now it looks like guilty, can you guess where is it stressed? yes, on the 1st syllable 'grumpy. 4. a digital native The 4th word is a compound noun, so it is made of 2 words. What we call someone who is very good at using digital equipment such as computers and mobile phones because they have used them since they were young, and it is is the OPP digital immigrant. Meaning: Write it on the board and ask CCQs: 1. Do DNs use technology a lot? (Y) 2. Do they find difficulties doing this? (N) 3. Are they born before or after the use of technology? (after) Form: Ask them about the form: What part of speech is it? compound noun Pronunciation: Model x 3, choral repetition x 3 and individual repetition x 3 at random. It is stressed on the 1st syllable of the 2nd word /'native/.

While-Reading for gist (5-7 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist reading tasks

1. Let students read the passage and fill the gaps with these sentences: a) young people spend too much time on the internet b) people who get up early are more productive c) multitasking is an essential modern skil[ d) there's no such thing as too much exercise 2. Let students check their answers together, then 3. Teacher shows the right answers and conducts whole class feedback.

While-Reading for details (5-7 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading tasks

1. Teacher asks students to read the article again and answer the questions. 1 How does the writer feel about his own lifestyle? 2 When are night owls more productive? 3 What kind of people had damage to their heart muscles? 4 Which group spends the most time online in the USA? 5 What are older people better at doing online than younger people? 6 ls it impossible to multitask welt? Why /Why not? 2. They check their questions with their new partners 3. Then the Teacher shows the correct answers and conducts whole class feedback.

Post-Reading/ Follow-up Task (10-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

2Min Ask students to think about the common beliefs they have about lifestyles. Ask them to make notes in their notebooks. They don’t have to write complete sentences. Just simple notes. Give them an example about yourself. E.g. Say “People often say you need to sleep 8 hours a day”. On the board write ‘sleep 8 hours a day”. Check instructions: Are you working in pairs or alone? (Alone) Are you writing whole sentences? (N) So you are writing what? (short notes) 5Min Put students in groups of 3. Ask them to talk about their common beliefs. Check instructions: Are you working alone? (N) Are you working in groups? (Y) What are you going to tell each other? (our beliefs about lifestyles) Monitor as students speak in groups. Conduct some whole-class content feedback by asking students to report back on their partner and encourage follow up questions. Finally, conduct some whole-class language feedback

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