Upper Intermediate level

Main Aims
To provide an opportunity for students to learn the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language.
Subsidiary Aims
To provide students an opportunity to speak using target language
Procedure (36-49 minutes)
Since it is the second day of the course, the students do not know each other very well. Therefore, the lesson starts with an ice-breaker activity in which students learn about some interesting details about each others' lives. To demonstrate the activity, teacher does the activity herself on WB. She writes four true things and one false things about her life. Then, she asks students to work in pairs and guess the false information on WB. After students learn how to play that game, they take a piece of paper and write four true and one false information about themselves. They stand up and move around the class trying to guess the false sentence. Once they have all seen each others' papers, teacher gets a feedback from the students about the false sentences.
Teacher asks students to scan the reading text in order to find examples for the six previously learnt verb tenses. The students work individually and then they check their answers in pairs. Then, teacher tells a sentence in present simple and asks each student to retell the sentence to the student next to her it in another tense.
Teacher shows the students a picture and she adds a speech bubble next to it. She asks students to fill the speech bubble with a question. Teacher may give the first one as an example and shows another picture for them to find a question. After students see the example sentence, they will surely be able to produce new sentences for the speech bubbles. After writing the tag questions, ask them where and why people use tag questions. Teacher tries to elicit that they use it when they are surprised and when they are sure of the answer. After conveying the meaning, she focuses on the form of the sentences and elicit the forms of other tenses. As the third step, Teacher asks students to drill the sentences to make sure they pronounce the words and stress the sentences correctly. The stage ends when students practice both individually and as the whole class.
Students work individually and do an exercise that checks ss understanding about the meaning, form and pronunciation of tag questions. After they finish the exercise, they check their answers with their pairs. The students are divided into two groups. Teacher gives them tag questions and their answers on pieces of papers. Students work in groups and try to match the questions with their answers.
Teacher gives them handouts and they mingle in the class and play 'find someone who?' game. Students practice asking tag questions in that activity. During that activity, teacher monitors students quietly without interrupting them. Teacher notes some of their correct and wrong sentences and teacher writes them on WB for students to correct them.