Agnieszka Agnieszka

Travelling Time
pre-intermediate/intermediate level


In this lesson, students enlarge their range of vocabulary in the area of travelling and transportation. The lesson starts with a short presentation of the teacher telling about her own holiday time and presenting a set of photos. This is followed by a set of vocabulary exercises where students work individually and in pairs. After each exercise teacher asks some concept questions and clarifies the meaning if it is necessary. Moreover, the teacher asks questions to students related to the exercise to help the students remember the word better and make the whole process more personalised.


Abc Matura Podstawowa, M. Umińska, B. Hastings, H. Mrozowska, Pearson 2011.
Abc Travelling - Teacher's presentation
Abc Matura Podstawowa, M. Umińska, B. Hastings, H. Mrozowska, Pearson 2011.

Main Aims

  • To review, clarify and provide a wide range of vocabulary referring to travelling and holiday activities

Subsidiary Aims

  • To boost students' accuracy in speaking about travelling and holiday activities.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The teacher introduces the topic by a short presentation of photos of her own travelling and holiday activities. It consists of 3 slides depicting the place she was, the journey, and holiday activities. The presentation shouldn't consist of more than three slides, not to be overloaded with photos. It should be a basis to speak in an ordered way about travelling and a model for students to prepare their own presentations in a similar way.

Exposure (15-20 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

Students are given an exercise (ex. 1) with different means of transport and words connected with transport. Their task is to assign them into four categories: road travel, rail travel, sea travel, air travel. After they finish they check it in pairs. Then the teacher asks some questions to help students remember them better eg. How many platforms are there in Szczecin's railway station? Do you have to fasten your seatbelts on a coach? etc. The next step is exercise 2, where students need to listen to the dialogues and match them to the means of transport presented. Before the exercise teacher asks for clarification of "hitch-hiking', the term which was implemented in the exercise. After listening and checking teacher asks students if they would like to hitchhike or if it is dangerous or not in their opinion. The same procedure is applied in the next three exercises (ex. 4, 5, 7). Each of them helps to revise the vocabulary of a different kind. The first describes the steps in an air journey, the second deals with different kinds of holiday accommodation, and the third with popular holiday activities. After each of these the teacher follows the same procedure; 1. Asks students to check it with a partner 2. Asks concept questions 3. Ask more personalised questions e.g. Do you like buying souvenirs? What did you buy on your last trip? etc. asks some concept questions, and

Useful Language (5-8 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

After the set of exercises, the students are asked to think about their own presentation and the content they will include. Then they are asked to underline or circle these vocabulary items they find useful for their presentation and speech. Next, the teacher asks some students to tell her these vocabulary items and tries to guess what the holiday story will be about.

Productive Task(s) (10-13 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Students are asked to write the content of their presentation. They should write about: - the place they visited - the journey and means of transport they used - the holiday activities. Then they are asked first to read it aloud, and after that to say it without looking at the notes, just if they were talking to a group of friends. Their homework will be to find proper photos for the presentation to make the task complete.

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