Maryam Maryam

Pre-intermediate/A2 - Reading Skill level


In this lesson the Ss will practice reading skills through skimming, scanning, reading for gist, and reading for specific information within the context of "how to stay healthy". The lesson will start by schemata activating which is watching a video on "Health". This will be followed by T asking Ss what they do to be healthy. T attempts to elicit some of the vocabulary related to the topic and write them on the board. They will be presented to blocking vocabulary that might hinder Ss decoding procedure in trying to construct the overall message of the text by PPP. Sentence activity will be done for vocabulary exercise.PDP route has been chosen for the reading lesson. Ss will read the text for gist in the pre-reading stage and match the topics with the related paragraphs. Following this stage, Ss will be asked to read more in-depth to dive into details and choose the ideas that have been mentioned in the text. Later, they will be asked to choose a title for the text. Finally, Ss are intended to do a productive task by a survey activity which is a free practice in which Ss will have a mingling activity to do the survey. This will be followed by Ss sharing their findings with the whole class by speaking activity.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice
  • To provide gist and detailed reading practice using a text about Staying Healthy through walking in the context of Health

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice by talking about the findings of a survey conducted by Ss in the context of Health and doing exercise
  • To provide clarification and practice of vocabulary related to doing exercise, staying fit, and health in the context of Health


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To activate Ss schemata by setting the context and engaging them into the topic

The Ss watch a 3 min-length video on people's opinions on how they stay healthy. This video will be personalized and linked to Ss' real-life experience by being asked the same question: "What do you do to stay healthy?" T will try to elicit related vocabulary.

Pre-Reading/ Teaching Vocabulary (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Vocabulary sentence completion HO will be given to Ss. T tells Ss to work on the HO on their own. The new vocabulary list will be given to them in a scrambled form and they need to find the right work and place them within the sentence to complete the meaning. ICQ will be done by the T: Are you going to write the answer or put them in the right place? Are you matching or completing the sentence? T monitors Ss while they are doing this task. Ss will be asked to check their answers with their partners. The answers will be checked by the T. T asks CCQ, does drilling, and shows the stress to make sure if Ss learned the vocabulary or not. (If the students were strong, T might provide Ss with an etymological explanation as well. e.g. er: as in teach+er, drive+er, etc. )

While-Reading #1 (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist reading tasks

T tells Ss to read the text quickly in 3-4 minutes and match the topics a-d with paragraphs 1-4. ICQs asked for clarification of the instruction. T monitors to check Ss comprehension. Ss work alone and when finished they check their answers in pairs. T nominates some of the Ss accidentally or voluntarily to share their answers with the whole class.

While-Reading #2 (10-15 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, scanning, deduction and inference reading tasks

T divides the Ss into 3-4 groups shows them HO and tells them to read the text again to find and choose ideas that have been mentioned in the text. ICQs will be asked by the T to make sure they understood the instruction completely. T monitors Ss while they are doing the task and takes notes of some problematic sentences to be discussed in the feedback part. The answers will be shared with the whole class at the final stage.

Post-Reading/ speaking (10-12 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

The final stage is a free activity that is productive that provides Ss with the opportunity to activate what they have already learned in the class. T gives Ss the survey worksheet and asks the Ss to stand up and do a mingling activity by asking their classmates those survey questions and taking notes of their partner's answers. ICQs will be asked again. T monitors Ss fr good examples and errors while they are doing the task. when finished, Ss will be asked to talk about what they found out about their classmates. T highlights good example sentences and errors on the board to be mentioned in the feedback part.

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