My town - 6pm 01-04-2022
Teens pre-intermediate level
At the end of this leson the students are going to be able to say where the places in their town are using the prepositions of place to give the exact location.
Main Aims
To provide practice of the prepositions of place in the context of the places in town.
Subsidiary Aims
At the end of this lesson the students are going to be able to say where the places are in the city.
Procedure (53-62 minutes)
Warm up (4-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students
The students are going to do and activity in the wordwall platform to remember the prepositions of place.
1st cycle - speaking. (45-50 minutes) • To engage students in the lesson
Pre - task: The students are gping to solve a quiz in the wordwall platform about the places in town to remember the names of them. While - task: The students are going to draw a city and they are going to write the description of their city using the prepositions of place. Post - task: The students are going to write the descriptions of their cities to the whole class
Cooler (4-6 minutes) • To finish the lesson.
Make sure that the student have no doubts about the topic and assing the student some homework.
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