Reza Vasa Reza Vasa

TP: 4b
Pre-intermediate level


In this lesson, the students are supposed to be learning grammar as the main aim in the context of TV. The brief lead-in will will elicit the context of TV and the language, that is, -ing and -ed adjectives in a reading passage. After a freer speaking task the students will be exposed to meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language. The lesson is rounded off with a controlled grammar activity followed by a freer speaking pairwork.


Abc Questions from Face2Face
Abc Reading passage

Main Aims

  • To provide practice and clarification of -ing and -ed adjectives in the context of TV

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide detailed reading practice using a text about Television in the context of watching TV


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

A very brief personal story will be used as a warmer to create interest and elicit the target language for the practice stage of the lesson. Sts will be asked some questions in between.

Pre-Reading (5-6 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

(Slide one) 1. The students are asked to guess the answers to some questions on the board (slide 1) but before they start I will check see whether there are words they might know. This is a pair-work. 2. Some are asked to say what they guessed after 2 or 3 minutes.

While-Reading (4-5 minutes) • To provide students with reading for details tasks

1. Instructions are presented. No ICQs will be asked because they are very simple. I will even avoid giving examples because I assume the instructions are straightforward and simple. 2. The hand-outs (HO 1) are passed on.and the students will have 3 minutes to answer the questions.. 3. The early finishers are asked to share their answers with their partners. 4. feedback is provided with the whole class.

Post-Reading (7-8 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned in a speaking freer activity

Slide 2 1. The students are asked to work in groups of four and discuss the questions on Slide 2. 2. Monitoring the students to see whether they are using the language they are going to be exposed to or not. 3. If time allows, one student from each group will be the speaker for the group who will present the ideas of the group. If I don't have enough time, I will do feedback with the whole class.

Language focus (6-8 minutes) • To present the MFP for the -ed and -ing adjectives

Skide 3 1. The TL from the context will be presented on the whiteboard. 2. I elicit the meaning of the -ing and -ed adjectives. 3. Concept questions will be asked to make sure the know the meaning. If still in doubt, I will ise Slide 5 fpr clarifying language. 4. Form and pronunciation (Slide 4) are next activities for this step.

Controlled practice (3-4 minutes) • To practice the -ed and -ing adjectives in a context

1. The students do the activity in two minutes and check them with their partners. 2. Feedback is provided as a whole class activity.

Semi-controlled practice (8 minutes) • To practice the language in a freer speaking activity

1. The students are asked to work in pairs with the questions they were exposed to in their previous activity (HO2). 2. Each is asked to read two things interesting about their partners.

Correction (1-2 minutes) • To help students get rid of the problems with the -ed and -ing adjectives

Some possible sentences with mistakes are picked and put on the board asking the students to correct.

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