Devin N Devin N

TP 8 Grammar (Second Conditional)
Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will learn about the second conditional in the context of moral dilemmas. They will listen to an audio about illegally downloading content, through which they will perform gist and specific activities in order to pick out the second conditional. They will learn the MFP of this grammatical point and then practice it through controlled and freer practice activities relating to moral dilemmas.


Abc 10 Would you do the right thing?
Abc Empower B1 Track 3.20
Abc Grammar Lesson Second Conditional Practice Activitiy

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of second conditional in the context of moral dilemmas

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of a moral dilemma
  • To provide gist and specific information listening practice using a text about illegally downloading content in the context of moral dilemmas


Warmer/Lead-in (3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T presents three slides with questions about moral dilemmas to students: "If you knew no one would see you, would you take the towels from a hotel?", "If you knew no police were around, would you drive over the speed limit?", "If you knew you wouldn’t get in trouble, would you download a movie illegally?". T lets a few Ss speak on each slide and nominates if necessary.

Exposure (5 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T plays Track 3.20 while Ss think about the questions "What reasons do people give for and against illegal downloading?". After the listening, T writes a few student responses on the slide using Zoom annotations.

Highlighting (3 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

T shows slides with sentences containing second conditional with certain words blanked out. T plays small cuts from the audio track and prompts students to answer what words were blanked out. T nominates Ss if necessary

Clarification (10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T shows a slide with the first sentence with CCQ's to guide Ss through the meaning. Ss answer in an open class format. Then, T shows a slide of the sentence with some words blanked out for Ss to answer by filling in and some words highlighted with an option of verb form or tense for students to select. Ss answer in an open class format and are nominated if needed. Then, T shows a slide of the sentence first with and then without contractions to direct Ss attention to contractions and connections between words. T prompts Ss to find what words are stressed in the sentence by playing cuts from the audio clips. T then uses MERD to drill pronunciation. T repeats all of these steps for all 3 sentences. Lastly, T shows a review slide about the second conditional that defines its usage and form.

Controlled Practice (8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T sends Ss a practice activity where they have to select the correct verb forms in sentences so that they use second conditional. T does one sentence as a demo with Ss in open class, then T sends Ss into BORs with a partner or small group to complete the exercise. After they return, T displays the answer key and lets Ss ask questions if needed.

Free Practice (10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T displays a slide with the prompt "Imagine you found a bag filled with hundreds of thousands of dollars lying on the side of the road. No one is around to see you if you take it. What do you do?". T allows a few Ss to respond with ideas. T then introduces the speaking activity prompt, in which Ss are required to talk about what they would do in this situation using second conditional. T can perform a short demo of a sentence using second conditional. T fields Qs re Qs and sends Ss to BORs with partners or a small group. T monitors BORs for problems with the task and to pick out errors or good language.

Delayed Error Correction (6 minutes) • To address tokens of good language and flawed language and allow students a chance to self correct

T posts a few examples of good language and language with errors and prompts Ss to pick out errors. T fields Ss questions and reviews grammatical structures if needed.

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