Seda Turgut Seda Turgut

Teaching Practice 4
Beginner level


In this lesson, students will read for gist and scanning.T uses a text and reading strategies. By the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to speak in the context of "my free time."


Abc filling gaps
Abc reading text
Abc Flashcards
Abc Speaking activity HO

Main Aims

  • To provide gist reading and scanning in the context of my free time.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Through reading text, the students will practice productive speaking skill in the contet of " free time".


Warmer/ Lead in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T shows some pictures and asks: " What are they?" Then T writes on WB: " In my free time, I......................? T elicits answers then asks: The question is .... ? Sts are expected to say " What do you do in your free time? T writes some questions on WB: " What do you do in your free time? "Do you go to .............?" T makes them pair and asks: Discuss with your partner.". T elicits answers.

Gist reading (3-5 minutes) • To provide students with gist task

Before the Sts start reading for gist,T shows the photo of the text then writes the questions on WB. The questions are: "Who are they?" " What do they do? " " Where are they from ? " " What's her/ his job? "What music do they like?" T gives the handout including the reading text. Sts are expected to read the first half of text quickly.T asks: " Are you going to read slowly or quickly ?" How much time do you have?" "Are you going to unfold it? " In pairs, the Sts talk to each other. T elicits guesses.

While Reading (3-5 minutes) • To provide students more specific information reading task.

T asks: Read and listen to the interview with Mike and Kim. Find three things they do in their free time." After reading, Sts check in pairs. Then they check as a WC

While-Reading/Scanning (5-8 minutes) • To provide students with more detailed reading task

T asks: " Read the interview again individually" "Are the sentences true or false?" The Sts check with their partners. T elicits answers.

Highlighting the grammar (3-5 minutes) • To provide opportunity to use do / don't and short answers.

Before T gives HO, T writes on WB: " go/ to/ Do / concerts?" " music/ What/ you / do/ like? T asks: " Is there a problem in these questions. T elicits answers the Sts corrects them on the board. T gives the rules.

Controlled Practice (3-5 minutes) • To provide practice using the grammar

T gives HO. Sts are expected to fill gaps with do or don't then Sts write short answers. They check with their partners. One of them asks a question, the other reads his short answer. T monitors and gives feedback.

Controlled Practice • To have Ss notice how we say " do you "

Sts listen to the questions and repeat. Then they write four questions with "do you" when they hear each question twice. T changes some Sts' places and asks: " Work in pairs. Student A will ask the question and student B will answer for you

Semi Controlled Practice (4-6 minutes) • For Ss to practice speaking in the context of free time

T asks: " Make questions with the words in column A. Then guess your partner's answers to questions a)-e). Put a tick or crossin column B. Then Sts check their guesses asking questions to each other. Each partner will give short answers to questions. They talk and discuss with each other

Freer Practice (3-6 minutes) • For Ss to practice speaking in an enjoyable way.

T uses mingle for this part. Sts are expected to ask: " What do you do in your free time? What food do you like? Do you like rock music? " They walk around and ask these questions to each other. The questions will be on board and then they take notes related to some Sts's answers. After they sit, T asks for ex: " Serhan, do you remember what does Şevket do in his free time? " T elicits answers.

If Time Activity (0-0 minutes) • To provide Sts with further practices

T gives them handouts. Sts are expected to make sentences with them in pairs. They check together.

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