María Fernanda Arango María Fernanda Arango

Listening Lesson
Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson, students have the opportunity to practice their listening skills, including listening for gist and specific information in the context of famous people's lives.


Abc Empower B1 Student's Book
Abc Empower B1 Teacher's Book
Abc PowerPoint Presentation
Abc Powerpoint presentation
Abc Powerpoint presentation
Abc Powerpoint presentation
Abc Powerpoint presentation

Main Aims

  • To provide opportunities to practice listening for gist and specific information in the context of famous people's lives.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To acquire new lexis concerning the lesson's main topic.
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of famous people's lives


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students in the lesson's topic.

- Show images of famous people, especially of those shown in the student's book. - Elicit answers and opinions from the students on the following questions and encourage interaction betwen them: What do you know about these famous people? Who is your favourite celebrity? Why? Do you like the celebrity that "x" student just mentioned? Why/why not? • Show images illustrating before and after transformations. Ask students by nominating them: How were their lives different before they became famous? What changed in their lives when they became famous? • Nominate students to explain the reasons for their answers, express their opinions and interact with their classmates: Do you agree/disagree with x student? What do you think about what x student said ?

Pre-Listening (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and introduce marker vocabulary, briefly explaining new words using form, meaning, and pronunciation.

- Project the images and quotes of the celebrities presented in the student's book. - Present 2-4 challenging words that you think students are not familiar with. Check students’ understanding, covering MFP. - The new marker vocabulary: handful, chimps, brave, and birth. - Use CCQs and gestures to explain new vocabulary: (Imitate the sound of a chimp) (Show with your cupped hands what is a handful) What is the opposite of being afraid to do new things? What happens when pregnancy ends?

Listening 1: Listening for gist (10-12 minutes) • To develop students’ listening skills of listening for gist.

- Present guiding question and the pair of celebrities shown in the text (Student’s book Questions 3a and 3b). Look at the pictures of the celebrities in the article. How do you think their lives were different before they became famous? - Play the first audio and send hand-out 1 with the information and guiding questions through Zoom’s chat. Set instructions: Now we will listen to the stories of two people just to get the general idea. You will listen to find out what information you already know about them. Listen carefully. - When the audio finishes, students are given a couple of minutes to individually check their answers to the questions. (- If necessary, and if you have time, listen to the audio a second time). - Encourage students to interact and check their answers with each other. If there are few students, leave them in the main session and encourage them to speak while you turn off your camera. Now, briefly discuss your answers with your classmates and share what you know about this pair of famous icons. You have 2 minutes. - Have a brief OCFB of 2-3 minutes to check students' understanding and to give them an opportunity to practice their speaking skills. - Provide feedback and encourage self correction.

Listening 2: Listening for specific information (14-16 minutes) • To provide students with a more challenging detailed, deduction and inference listening task

- Introduce the second listening task using clear instructions: Now we are going to listen carefully to an audio and answer specific questions about the text (Student's book Question 3c). - Project the questions on the screen and give students a brief moment to skim through the questions. Before you listen to the audio, quickly read the statements to be better prepared for the listening task. - Learners check their answers in pairs before OCFB. Give students a space to discuss without teacher interference; make sure to turn off your camera and check on students regularly. Give clear instructions: Now you will discuss your answers with a partner and compare what you found out. You have 3 minutes and then we will all together discuss the final answers. (- If necessary, and if there is time, play the audio a second time). - If there are few students, and there was no need to divide them into BOR, simply project the answers on the screen and check students' understanding. Do not go over the questions one by one. Address doubts and questions if necessary.

Post-Listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with an opportunity to practice their speaking skills and maximise their talking time.

- Project on the screen, and discuss, the following questions as a class: Which famous person do you think had the most difficult experience? Why? Do you know about any other people who started life poor and then became rich? - Encourage students to justify their opinions as much as possible. You can model the task by providing an example of your own. - Conduct feedback on the productive skills task. - DEC (prioritize self and peer correction). - Praise students for their good work. - Closing remarks: This is the end of the lesson. Thank you for coming and for your participation.

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