Nur Üçer Nur Üçer

TP 3
Elementary-A2 level


In this lesson, Ss learn how to ask for and give directions. Firstly, Ss put three dialogs in order, then they learn the expressions to ask for and give directions. This is followed by listening to directions which indicate four places on the map. Finally, Ss try to find out the correct places on the map by giving directions to their partners.


Main Aims

  • To introduce and practise functional exponents for asking for and giving directions in the context of finding the way.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To improve students’ awareness of polite intonation and to enable students to understand and practise the functional language.


Presentation of the functional language (8-10 minutes) • To provide the Ss with the presentation of the use of functional language

T asks students to find the bus station on the map and says that Sue is now at the bus station (not at You are here) and is asking for directions. Students work with their partner and put each of the three conversations in order. T plays the recording R11.11. Students listen, check their answers and find the places on the map.

Clarification of the TL. (12-15 minutes) • To clarify the use of the TL

Students fill in the gaps with their partners by referring back to the conversations 1-3 in ex. 6a). T plays the recording and the Ss check their answers in pairs. T writes the sentences on the Board. Ss models and drills the stress pattern and polite intonation when asking strangers for information. (R11.2, pg. 145). T ask CCQs such as "Do you turn right or left?", Is the bank opposite or next to the post office?".

Listening for gist (8-10 minutes) • To enable the Ss to listen to TL

T focuses students on the map and tells them that they are standing in the You Are Here circle. T establishes that students are going to hear directions to four different places. T plays the recording R11.10. The students listen and follow the directions on the map to find out where they take them to.

Semi-Controlled practice (10-15 minutes) • To provide Ss with the practice of the TL.

T puts the students into pairs as student A and student B. The students turn their back and each partner describes the way to three places given. The students should not show their partner where the places are. If both partners find the correct place at the shortest time, then they win. If they do not, then they lose. While students are working, T monitors and helps with problems.

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