Susan Susan

TP7 - Grammar - Susan Davis
Elementary level


Grammar - Text based framework


Main Aims

  • To present and practice present simple (positive, negative and question forms) in the context of TV shows and daily routines.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide an opportunity for students to develop their reading and speaking skills in the context of TV shows and daily routines.


Warmer/Lead-in (5-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T asks ss to think and discuss in pairs or small groups the following questions: *Do you like TV shows? yes/no *Why/why not? *What type of TV shows to you like? T sends them to BORs for them to interact. 3 minutes ICQ. How many minutes do you have? 3 minutes ICQ. How many questions to talk about? 3

Text-work (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T introduces the task to ss and asks them to guess the times that actors do these things: 1- wake up, 2- get up, 3- have breakfast, 4- start work, 5- have lunch, 6- finish work, 7- eat dinner, 8- go to bed. Ss need to reply: "They .... at .... o'clock" or "They ... at ... in the morning/afternoon/evening". T send ss to BORs for them to interact during 3 minutes. ICQ. How many minutes do you have for this activity? 3 minutes.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Target language phrases are: *I get up at 4:30 in the morning. *We start work at about 7:00am. *Do they have an hour for lunch? *She usually doesn’t have dinner at home. MEANING T will show ss a timeline and will ask some questions for them to work out the meaning of these sentences. CCQs: * Are the verbs in these phrases in the past, present or future? present * In the phrase: “I get up at 4:30 in the morning”, am I saying I get up at that time every day? yes * In the phrase: “We start work at about 7am”, what does “at about” mean? around / more or less / at * In the phrase: “Do they have an hour for lunch?”, am I asking if they have a specific time of the day to have their lunch? no * In the phrase: “She usually doesn’t have dinner at home”, does it mean that sometimes she has dinner away from home? no FORM T will show ss the grammatical breakdown of the phrases and some parts of speech such as the phrasal verb in the first sentence, mention that this one is inseparable. *Affirmative: I get up at 4:30 in the morning. Subject + present simple (phrasal verb) + complement. *Affirmative: We start work at about 7:00am. Subject + present simple + noun + complement. *Interrogative: Do they have an hour for lunch? Do/does + subject + present simple + complement. *Negative: She usually doesn’t have dinner at home. Subject + adverb of frequency (usually, sometimes) + do/does in the negative form + verb + complement. FCQs: *What goes before in the affirmative sentences, the subject or the verb? The subject *What goes before in the interrogative sentence, the auxiliary verb or the main verb? The auxiliary *In the negative sentence, there is a contraction, what are the two words it represents? does and not PRONUNCIATION T will put two short audios for ss to listen to the pronunciation of some phrases related to the topic. Then drill the target language sentences linking the words that need to.

Controlled Practice (8-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T will give ss the third part of the initial text for them to fill in the gaps with the missing verbs and an exercise for them to fill in the gaps with adverbs of frequency. Students will work in pairs or small groups in BORs. T will display the answers on the screen for them to check their answers.

Free Practice (7 minutes) and DEC (5 minutes) (12-12 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language as well as with feedback

T will ask ss to use the following words/phrases in their conversation: *where/when/what time *do you / does she/he *get up / go to work / go to school / have lunch *always/usually/often/sometimes/rarely/never ICQ. Do you need to use these words and phrases? yes And to try to introduce other verbs too. T will send ss to BORs for 5 minutes. T will enter each room to monitor. When time is over, ss come back to the main room and T gives feedback.

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