Patricia Green Patricia Green

TP6 Functional Language
Pre-Intermediate level


Abc Nearpod, Google Jamboard, YouTube
Abc Navigate Coursebook B1 Pre-Intermediate
Abc Nearpod
Abc Grammar for English Language Teachers

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of language used in asking for and giving advice in the context of medical visits. Students then practice the functional language in a freer context of their choosing

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of the modal verbs should, must/mustn't and can/could in the context of asking for and giving medical advice.
  • To provide speaking practice in the context of asking for and giving advice with peers in a freer context of their choosing.


Warmer/Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Teacher shows student a cartoon of Frosty the Snowman visiting the doctor and then asks students for ideas about problems that people might seek advice for. Teacher records these on a Google Jamboard for later use during Freer Practice. Teacher shows a .44 sec YouTube video of a comedian's sketch about Doctor's advice to set the stage for medical context of lesson.

Exposure (7-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through 3 audio conversations

In groups, students go to BORs to listen to 3 audio conversations (2:59 sec) recorded during visits to health professionals. In groups, students then complete a Fill in the Blanks Activity which highlights the target language present in the stories. ICQs: What are the 2 things you will do in the BORs? (listen to audio, complete fill in the blanks activity) Teacher provides feedback in the open class.

Clarification (8-9 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form, pronunciation and appropriacy of the target language

Teacher shares Nearpod slides with Students and discusses 4 examples of the Functional Language of offering and giving advice. Teacher elicits the MPFA of the target language from students including the modal verbs which occur in the audio context and their place in the functional language of asking for and giving advice. CCQs - built into the activity slides.

Controlled Practice (7-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice of target language

In groups in BORs Students complete a quiz on MPFA of target language individually and then review with each other. ICQs Do you do quiz on your own? (yes) Do you check answers with your group? (yes) Teacher provides feedback on the quiz.

Freer Practice (9-10 minutes) • To provide students with freer practice of the target language

Teacher reviews the slide from the student textbook describing Language for Speaking/Asking and Giving Advice. Teacher shows Word Doc with Functional Language and Advice Ideas generated during the Lead-In activity and shares link with students for Freer Practice activity. Students go to BORs in groups to take turns asking for advice with a problem and providing advice for a problem with their peers using the target language and some of the ideas generated during the Lead-In activity (if they choose). Students informed they may choose any problem they want for this activity. Teacher elicits some of the problems and advice from students and provides DEC feedback.

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