Ginger Ginger

TP LP3 Ginger Caviness
Upper Intermediate level


Abc PowerPoint Presentation 3
Abc Face to Face © Cambridge University Press 2013 pgs. 98,99, 156 SB

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of would have, should have and could have in the context of choices people make.

Subsidiary Aims

  • to provide clarification and practice of the meaning, form, pronunciation, and contrast between the written and spoken differences of the main aim verbs.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Show students slide 1. it informs them that they have inherited a huge fortune and asks: So, hypothetically: What would you do with it with it? Who would you leave it to? Learners will talk about it in open class discussion. I will use the TL would have, could have and should have as I respond and monitor.

Text-work (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Students will read an article for gist from their student text book about who and what rich people choose to leave their money to. It has several instances of the TL. After reading I will show them slide 2 showing photos of the people discussed in the article and asking: What did some people think Anita Roddick should have done differently? Bill Gates could have made a different choice. What was it? What would have been a better choice for Leona Helmsley’s money in your opinion? These questions are asked using the TL and will demonstrate understanding of gist. Students will chat privately with a zoom partner and compare thoughts. We will return to the full group and students can tell what their partner mentioned for at least one of the answers from the slide questions. I will restate answers using the TL if appropriate.

Clarification (15-16 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Meaning: Use the Modals of Missed Opportunity slide 3 to focus on the subtle differences between the 3 TL focus words and their hypothetical nature. Have students notice the sentences pulled from the reading selection that demonstrate those differences. Use the target language in CCQs related to the sentences as they are required. "You would have reacted differently? He could have done something else with the money? You would have given your money to a person instead of the dog? Solicit replies to questions at the bottom of the slide that will demonstrate that they have learned the concepts. Form: Have students look at the three statements using the TL that highlight the choices people could make getting a pizza. Ask CCQs Such as "Could we change the order of the words in that sentence? Would it still work? Why not?" Pronunciation + Appropriateness: Show the slide with the same pizza choice questions. Ask if anyone knows how the TL is usually said in normal conversation. Does this work in writing? What do we call it when we shorten these? What does it sound like? what if we reduce them even more? What does that sound like? Which pronunciation would you use in a job interview? What about talking with a friend? Use the draw feature and type to show each new stage as I inquire.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Students will circle the correct TL for each question on the slide. Then go to BORs to compare answers. I will monitor for correct use of the TL. In OCFB I will ask for students to justify their choices using the info from the Modals of Missed Opportunity slide.

Freer Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Students will use the final slide to talk with a partner about choices they have made using the cue statements and TL in BORs. I will monitor to listen for errors in MFP as well as good use of the TL. In OCFB we will reinforce the TL with students telling the answer to a cue statement as they choose. I will do DEC throughout this part.

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