Anna Bavido Anna Bavido

CELTA Teaching Practice 4
Beginner Adults level


In this lesson students will practice formulating and speaking 'wh' questions in the context of holidays and English class. The lesson takes a test-teach-test approach and ends with a speaking for fluency whole class mingle.


Main Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in 'wh' questions in the context of holidays and English class.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide review of perfect present statements in the context of holidays and school.


Conversation lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To activate students' schemata of holidays

~~Put students in pairs. ~~Instruct students to talk with their partner about what they do during Bayram. ~~Find out what 2 or 3 students do during Bayram for feedback.

Test #1 Instructions (1-2 minutes) • To explain and demo test #1

~~show students the cut-apart sentences, highlighting the 'wh' words. ~~explain as I mime doing that they will stick the pieces of paper on the wall in order to form 'wh' questions. ~~divide students into 3 teams, approximately 4 students in a team. ~~note that students did the same activity with different target language two days ago, so this activity will not need much explanation.

Test #1 (4-5 minutes) • To test students current grasp of 'wh' questions

~~students will race against each other to form the same 5 'wh' questions. ~~The 5 questions are Where // do you // go for Bayram? When // does he // go home? Who // do you // go with? What // do they // do for Bayram? How much // is it? // indicate where it is cut into separate pieces of paper.

Test #1 Feedback (4-5 minutes) • To wrap-up Test #1

~~Ask for a student from each team to read a sentence they made. ~~Point out to students that "do/does+pronoun" can go with any sentence EXCEPT "how much"

Review Meaning (2-3 minutes) • To review target language meaning

~~Mime with the handout and model on the board that students will match the correct answer with the question. ~~Check answers in pair

Present Form (8-10 minutes) • To present the proper form of 'wh' questions

~~Write on the board "Who _______ ___________?" and elicit a full question. Change the pronoun and elicit the different being verb. ~~Write on the board "Who _____ ______ _______?" and elicit a who/do/pronoun/verb question. Get students to verbally manipulate it with different verbs and pronouns. ~~Repeat verbally with 'when' 'what' and 'where', emphasizing that 'do/does' goes with verbs and 'is/are' with being. If students are struggling to grasp the concept, elicit the form onto the board.

Drill Pronunciation (2-3 minutes) • To model and drill proper pronunciation of 'wh' questions

~~highlight the reduction of 'do you' ~~highlight the contraction of 'who's' ~~keep students interested by using choral, group, and varied tone drilling.

Test #2 (6-7 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first test

~~Show students one of the prompts HO. Elicit/model a question on the board with it. ~~Put students into 3 groups and ask them to work together. ~~Give each student a prompt and ask them to write their question on the back of the paper.

Free practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

~~tell students we want to practice asking a lot of 'wh' questions. Demo that each time someone asks you a question you write your name on the back of their handout. When time is up person with the most signatures win. ~~ICQs: "Do you write your question?" No. "Do you talk to only 1 person?" No. ~~have everyone stand up and mingle.

Feedback (4-5 minutes) • To wrap up WC mingle

~~See who got the most signatures ~~Correction of any errors observed during WC mingle

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