TP6 - Functional language
Pre-intermediate level
Main Aims
To provide clarification and practice of language used for inviting and making arrangements.
Subsidiary Aims
To provide fluency practice in inviting and making arrangements.
To provide listening skills by providing the task to provide target language.
Procedure (32-44 minutes)
Show slide 'Social life and Covid 19' to elicit responses about how the pandemic has impacted the students' social lives.
The students will listen to two separate dialogues - in which the characters invite each other to social events and make arrangements. The task will be a gist task, supported by a slide which asks one question about each of the two dialogues: 1. What does Carol invite Juliet to? 2. What do Matt and Ben agree to do?
Students will be given a second listening task - this time an intensive listening task to extract the target language of inviting and making arrangements. Students will hear the dialogues for a second time and with the support of a slide be asked to highlight (through multiple choice) the one correct sentence that is spoken in each dialogue.
This stage features the use of three separate language slides - one for inviting, one for replying, one for making arrangements. I will deal with the MFPA of each slide in turn. I will deal with appropriacy first - checking if students think the phrases are neutral, polite or informal. Then I will turn to form but rather than teach the grammatical features (e.g. would is a modal verb) I shall just point out the set phrases that are used and where they are placed in a sentence. Then I shall elicit pronunciation before showing the same slides appropriately marked for word and sentence stress and the schwa. I shall model then drill chorally and individually.
The students will have a gap-fill controlled practice task, using the target language. They will be shown a slide in which there are five sentences to complete with one of the five suggested answers. They will do this task alone and FB will be in open class.
Students will be shown a slide - 'Role-play inviting and making arrangements.' - in which examples of target language are set out, plus a list of context ideas, such as Christmas party, a dinner, to watch a baseball game, etc. Students will be placed in BOR in groups of three.
Students will be brought back into OCFB. I will ask them individually about the social events their group-mates invited them to. I will invite queries. Then I shall turn to DEC using the whiteboard. I will show the errors I have noticed and invite the students to identify what is wrong and suggest a corrected version.