Raquel Ruiz Barba Raquel Ruiz Barba

TP 6 LP Raquel Ruiz Barba
Upper intermediate level


In this lesson students learn functional language related to being sympathetic, in a context of givving support to people who has problems or is distressed.


Abc Coursebook: New Cutting Edge, Upper Intermediate, Sarah Cunningham & Peter Moor
Abc Zoom platform
Abc Google Tools
Abc Audio from New Coursebook
Abc Google Forms
Abc Google Jamboard
Abc Google sites
Abc Google slides
Abc Break Out Rooms ZOOM

Main Aims

  • To introduce and provide understanding and practice of functional language used for responding sympathetically in various contexts.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To have Students realize the importance of tone and intonation when communicating, and to practice it.
  • To have Students practice listening and identifying language in order to use it and improve speaking skills.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Teacher displays on google jamboard four images of supportive people comforting sad people, and a question to have Students guess and predict the conversations between the people in the images. Students get the idea of the lesson topic, and of the context, which is giving emotional support to people in distress, through words. In this case Ss will be introduced to some chunks of language.

Gist task (8-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Teacher displays transcription text and plays an audio of three conversations, Ss listen the audio and identify in the written text the Target Language, which is marked in color. Teacher shares via chat box the link to a gist task (find synonyms in google forms). Ss work in pairs in break out rooms. FB in main room.

Clarification MFPA (6-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form, pronunciation and appropriacy of the target language

Teacher displays a presentation of target language in google slides. Two prhases are analyzed. Students participate in presentation as group. T asks CCQ to have students discover and elicit Meaning. Form is presented in a slide explaining TL is are phrases used as one hole, even when formed by diffrent items as verbs, adverbs, pronouns, etc. Pronunciation is explicit with IPA, stress symbol and intonation arrows. Appropriacy is also pointed in the last slide of each TL. An audio is played to reinforce the importance of intonation to make the TL sound sympathetical. Ss answer in BORs a multiple choice task related to the language to be used as sympathetical. on google slides or forms

Controlled Practice (6-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Teacher displays the script of the audio of three converstions and plays it again. T shares lik to an activity where Students identify the intonation (tone) of each case, and how sympathetic were the responses each listener in the audio gave to the troubled person. Teacher shares link to google forms activity through chat box. The activity has three stages, one is a multiple choice task related to the conversations topic, the second one is a true or false task, and the third one asks the level of sympathetic tone as heard in the audio. Ss work in BOR in small groups or pairs.

Free Practice (7-8 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Teacher displays a slide with a communicative task which will have students practice the language chunks to achieve more fluent conversation skills. T sends Ss to break out rooms to discuss the topic assigned. Teacher takes note of problems heard while monitoring.

FEEDBACK AND DEC (5-8 minutes) • To have ss acknowledge tl learning and get a clear knowledge of chunks

Teacher displays problems picked up while monitoring in order to give the correct language and clarifies pronunciation issues.

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