TP7: Writing - Informal Emails: Giving News
Upper-Intermediate level
Main Aims
By the end of the lesson, students will have learned and practiced writing an informal letter giving news in the context of getting back in touch with a friend.
Subsidiary Aims
To provide clarification of language used for writing an informal letter in the context of getting back in touch with a friend.
Procedure (43-52 minutes)
- Provide discussion scenario "Imagine you haven't talked to a close friend or family member in a couple months or longer" - Provide discussion questions 1) "What are some things you might share with them?" 2) "What are some things you would ask them?" - T. provides model with friend from Japan. 1) I am taking a CELTA course so I can teach become a better English teacher 2) How are you and your boyfriend? What are you doing for work?
- Transition "Today we're going to be writing informal emails to friends we haven't contacted in months" "We're going to look at an email that Sofia wrote to her friend Noemi." - Gist reading task: Students will scan the email and categorize each section of the text under the following categories: (a. opening greeting, b. closing greeting, c. giving information, d. reason for writing, e. conclusion, f. requesting information) "We're going to scan this email and categorize each section." - Students read the text and categorize each section (2 minutes) - Students discuss answers in BoR - OCFB - Teacher highlights the 6 elements of structure to an informal e-mail - Reading for Detailed information: elements of informal e-mail will be elicited from students. Aiming to highlight (contractions, ellipsis, and informal language) "Is Sofia's email informal or formal?" "How do you know? In BoR, work together and find elements that make this e-mail informal. (3 minutes) -T. Provides model. Highlights the opening greeting ('Hi Noemie' vs. 'Dear Noemie'). - OCFB: Students share what informal elements they found. (T. calls on groups individually or will have students write down ideas in chat) - If needed, t. will point out additional elements. - T. clarifies functional language used in writing informal email - Uses examples sentences to highlight (informal language, ellipsis, contractions)
- Task students with thinking about someone they haven't talked to for some time (1 month - 1 year, 2 years) Someone they haven't really regularly communicated with. - Pull from lead-in task. - Highlight things for students to talk about. - Highlight things for students to ask about. - Students draft structure of their essay using post-it notes on jamboard/(Pull from resource website) - Remind students about elements of informal writing - (opening greeting, reason for writing, giving information, requesting information, conclusion, closing greeting) - Students independently write. On shared google doc (Appropriately labeled for each student) Can take students into breakout rooms if they have questions.
- Provide students with word document to use for peer feedback - Provide model for students to give feedback (Use T.'s example) (1m) - Students look at peer's text using checklist (2m) - Students provide feedback to each other using the checklist (Students check off if certain elements have been used or not.) (3m)
- T writes on board accurate language that students used. - T. highlights why the language usage was effective. - T. writes on board language that needs to be fixed. - T. tasks students with identifying the error in groups (BoR) - OCFB. T. elicits corrections to sentences from students.