Susan Susan

TP4 LP Susan Davis
Upper intermediate level


Grammar - Text based framework


Main Aims

  • To provide grammar clarification and practice on different ways of comparing nouns through the reading of a small text on exotic pets.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide speaking fluency practice with the target language.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T sends the link to the Google Slides and starts the lesson. T shows a slide with 2 pictures of Koi and asks the following questions: *Have you heard about Koi fish? *Would you like to own one? *How much would you be willing to pay for one?

Exposure & Highlighting (7-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation. To draw students' attention to the target language.

T gives the instructions for this stage. First 2 minutes for a fun exercise in group and 2 minutes for pair work. Then 2 minutes to read the short text individually. ICQ. How many minutes do you have to work in pairs? 2 minutes ICQ. Will we read a small text or listen to an audio? Read a small text. Exercise: *The older you get, the less you worry. The less you worry … (continue the sentence chain). *The harder you study … *The more you earn ... Do these three exercises with the whole class and then in pairs they do one more. Then comes the reading and a few comments with the whole class about their thoughts.

Clarification (12-15 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T introduces the 4 phrases we will look at during this part of the lesson: *They’re as beautiful as butterflies. *That’s almost as much as I paid for my house. *The normal price is nowhere near as high as that. *They’re slightly bigger than the ones I’ve got. Meaning *This part will be mostly questions so that students can understand what the sentences mean. Such as the following CCQ: CCQ. In the phrase "they're as beautiful as butterflies", who are more beautiful, the koi or the butterflies? both are equally beautiful. Form *In this part I will present 2 substitution tables so that students can work out the structures of the sentences. FCQ. Are these phrases in the past, present or future? in the present FCQ. What verb do we use in this sentences? to be Pronunciation *In this part we will work mainly on sentence stress checking on the parts which need linking and the stress in each word or syllable. CCQ. When one word ends in a consonant and the next one starts in a vowel such as in "beautiful as" do you pronounce it as one word or as two? as one

Controlled Practice (4-4 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T sends students the link so they can do the activity in Wordwall. It consists on 4 multiple choice questions. They have an image to look at besides each question. They need to make their choice based on the information in the reading and the sentence structures. After they complete the activity they will share their thoughts in the OC.

Free Practice (8-9 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T groups students in pairs or small groups and tells them to choose two places, two people or two things they both know well (cities, actors, bands, restaurants, etc.) through the private messages. They have 2 minutes. ICQ. How many places, people or things do you need to choose? two ICQ. Do you need to choose them in pairs or individually? in pairs Then, individually, write 5 sentences comparing the places, people or things they chose. They will have 2 more minutes for that. Then, T sends them to BORs for them to take turns saying their sentences. If they don't agree say why. T goes from one room to the other checking they are working well. The lesson finishes with an OCFB and DEC mentioning a few things to correct or praise from their work in the class.

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