Lauren Burden Lauren Burden

TP 5 - Speaking
Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson, students learn how to describe people through guided speaking tasks by using adjectives based on the context of celebrities. The lesson starts with a discussion in pairs about the looks of two celebrities. This is followed by a preparation task where pairs of students discuss the best fit for sentence gaps with adjectives provided. These marker sentences are then used to focus on M(A)FP clarification of describing people using adjectives with the correct form of either am/is or have/has. Students will then get some speaking fluency practice by describing their mothers looks and personalities to partners and describing how they are or are not similar to their mothers. Finally, they will reformulate some errors in feedback that were heard during speaking practice.


Abc Preparation
Abc Lead-in & Feedback
Abc productive task(s)

Main Aims

  • To introduce and provide practice of speaking for fluency in the context of describing people with the use of adjectives.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To review and practice using adjectives in the context of describing people.


Warmer/Lead-in (5-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- Ss will look at two photos of celebrities, male & female, and describe what they see/the person looks like in open class. ~2 mins - Content prep: They will then answer the question “Do you think they are attractive? Why/why not” in pairs/groups. ~2-3 mins. CCQ: attractive: positive; you like how they look. ICQ: what do you do? (answer question) In pairs? (yes) For how long? (2 mins) - OCFB ~1 min

Preparation/Useful Language (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

- Ss will work in pairs/groups to match descriptive phrases to the questions they answer and the matching photo on google forms. ~3-4 minutes. Encourage Ss it’s alright if they don’t know the answers b/c we will go over them together. ICQ: how long? (4 mins) In pairs? (yes) What are you doing? (matching questions & answers) o What does he look like? He’s tall, dark, and handsome. o What’s he like? He’s very quiet. o Does he have a beard? No, he’s clean-shaven. o How tall is she? About average height. o What does she look like? She’s thin and has long blond/e hair. - OCFB - Cover M(A)FP (~5 mins) by using the marker sentences from the google form (check meaning & appropriacy first, then form all together, then pron): o Tall, dark, and handsome (appearance= look like); CCQ: is this describing looks or personality? (looks) Is this positive or negative? (pos.) What are some synonyms? (good looking, guapo). Appro: is this formal or informal? (informal, said to friends) FCQ: what part of speech? (adjective) Do you use is or have? (is) Pron: 5 syllables (HANDsome) don’t pronounce d, weak ‘and’ linked to dark (/tɑl dɑɹkən ˈhæn.səm/) o Quiet (opinion= be like); CCQ: is this describing looks or personality? (personality) Is it a fact or opinion? (opinion) Does he talk a lot? (no) Appro: is this formal or informal? (informal, more casual) FCQ: what part of speech? (adjective) Do you use is or have? (is) Pron: qu sounds like qw, 2 syllables (/ˈkwaɪ.ət/) o Clean-shaven; CCQ: Looks or personality? (looks) Do we say this about face or body? (their face) Do they have facial hair? (no) Did they? (most likely, at one time) What’s the opposite? (hairy, not dirty) Appro: is this formal or informal? (informal, more casual) FCQ: what part of speech? (adjective) Do you use is or have? (is) Pron: CLEAN SHAven, weak en, 3 syllables, (/kliːn ˈʃeɪvən/) o Average; CCQ: are they tall? (no) Are they short? (not really, no) Are they in the middle? (yes) Is this special or noticeable? (not really) Appro: is this formal or informal? (informal, more casual) FCQ: what part of speech? (adjective) Do you use is or have? (is) Pron: 3 syllables, A-ver-age, the 2nd & 3rd syllables aren’t stressed so it’s hard to distinguish sometimes, shwa e and weak a sounds like I (3rd syllable) (/ávərɪʤ/) o Thin; CCQ: What is this similar to? (skinny, small, slim) What’s the opposite? (fat, chubby, gordo) Appro: is this formal or informal? (informal, more casual) FCQ: what part of speech? (adjective) Do you use is or have? (is) Pron: short th sound, short vowel sound (/ˈθɪn/) o Long blond/e hair; CCQ: Does her hair go past her shoulders? (yes) Is it dark hair or light hair? (light, yellow) What would it be in Spanish? (pelo largo y rubio) Appro: is this formal or informal? (informal, more casual) FCQ: Do you use is or have/has? (have; facial features use have/has), word order – adjectives before noun; Pron: all words are stressed & 1 syllable each (3 in total), (/ˈlɒŋ blɒnd hɛə/)

Productive Task(s) (18-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

- Have Ss remember the adjectives just mentioned & come up with a few more to describe physical appearance and personality in pairs/groups ~3 mins in BORs. Try to come up with at least 3-5. ICQ: what are you doing? (coming up with more adjectives) Adjectives to describe looks or personality? (both) How many? (3-5) How long? (3 mins) Put their answers on whiteboard/jamboard. - OCFB ~1 min - Ss will then answer question(s) in pairs/groups for ~ 5 mins. Send Qs in chat. ICQ: what do you do? (answer questions) In pairs? (yes) For how long? (5 mins) CCQ: are you describing her looks or personality? (both) Which question is for personality? (#2) What verb do you use to describe facial features? (has) To describe personality/everything else? (is). Give examples: she is nice vs she has brown eyes. Remember: What about height? (use is) o Q: What does your mother/father look like? o Q: What is s/he like? - OCFB ~1-2 mins - Ss will then answer another question(s) to extend their discussions in pairs/groups. ~5 mins. Encourage Ss to use adjectives & correct form. CCQ: What verb do you use to describe facial features? (have/has) To describe personality/everything else? (be = am/is) o Q: Do you look or act more like your mother or father? Why/why not? - OCFB ~2 mins

Feedback and Error Correction (5-6 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

- provide Ss fb on general errors & content of describing people in jamboard. Give examples of both good sentences heard and ones that need to be reformulated. Have Ss reformulate the sentences themselves (together) in open class. Ask “what are we missing” to prompt the reformulation.

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