Chad Jaspe Chad Jaspe

TP5: Speaking - Retelling Stories
Upper-Intermediate level


Students will practice and develop ideas and language for retelling stories. The lesson begins with some discussion questions about travel and things that can go wrong during travel. Students then listen to an audio recording as a model for telling a story about travel. After doing a gist activity with the recording, students engage in discussion to come up with ideas for telling stories about travel. Students then engage in the audio recording and the corresponding transcript with a fill-in-the blank exercise where students are exposed to target language. After clarifying the MFPA of the language students are tasked with sharing their stories in groups 2-3 times. Afterwards, feedback is discussed between teacher and students regarding their ideas language usage. Strong Student - Jerry: (Confident in taking guesses when answers are elicited. Will usually guide a discussion if other students are struggling) Weak Student - Arely: (A bit less confident in taking guesses when answer is unclear. Will sometimes lean on her Spanish when she doesn't know how to communicate her ideas in English)


Abc Navigate Coursebook

Main Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice with telling stories and anecdotes in the context of travel

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist and specific information listening practice using a text about travel mistakes in the context of travel
  • To provide clarification and practice of language used for telling stories in the context of travel


Lead-in (5-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Display pictures of travel and people having trouble while traveling. -Present questions for students to discuss in BoR 1) Do you like to travel? 2) How do you usually travel? 3) What are some things that can go wrong when traveling? Students discuss in BoR

Content Preparation (6-8 minutes) • Prepare Ss regarding the content of the task

Present students with prompt: "Listen to the Jamie's story about traveling. Choose the best title on the google form" Students listen to audio & select the most accurate title. (3m) Prompt students with question: Elicit from class as a whole / have class write answers in chat (2m) -What kind of dialogue did we listen to? (Someone telling a story) -What interesting, fun, or exciting stuff happened in the story? (camped at a school) Prompt students with additional question: (Students write down answers in chat) (3m) -What kind of interesting, fun, or exciting stuff can happen when traveling? T. writes down student ideas in chat.

Language Preparation (10-12 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

Inform students that they will be listening to the dialogue one more time (3+1m) There are 7 phrases that we use to tell stories Have students read out phrases. Students will listen to the dialogue one more time. They will fill in the blanks with the phrases in word bank. T. highlights the target language (6m) -'When/where do we use 'have I ever told you about..?' (In the beginning of a story) -'When/when do we use 'that's hilarious?' (When reacting to what someone said) -'When/Where do we use 'you'll never guess...'' (When emphasizing a key point. Drawing attention to an important part of the story) T. covers M(F)PA of key language =====IDEAS===== -T. provides model language to employ (2) (T. Provides model language, but doesn't categorize immediately. Elicit from students where we might use that phrase (Beginning, middle, end) /Beginning - Have I ever told you about... /Time Context - This happened ... ago. /Adding emphasis - You'll never guess ... /Ending the story - In the end, ... /Reacting to a story - You're kidding! / You can't be serious! -T. provides M(F)PA for model language (5) (T provides 'M' via distribution of model language) (T provides 'P' highlighting aspects of 'P' as necessary - E.g. Have I => ha vai)

Productive Task(s) (15-15 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills - Speaking

Provide model for students to follow: A & B conversation: (1m) /e.g. Have I ever told you about ...(the time I missed an overnight bus in Japan) /e.g. This happened (A couple years ago) /e.g. You're not going to believe this. (We slept overnight in a comic cafe!) /e.g. In the end, (We took the first morning train to our destination) Provide students with time to develop their ideas (2m) Students share with classmates in groups of 2-3. (4m) Students rotate (4m) Students rotate again (4m)

Feedback and Error Correction (7-7 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

- T writes on board accurate language that students used. T. highlights why the language usage was good. - T writes on board language that needs to be fixed. - T tasks students with identifying the error in groups (BoR) - OCFB. T elicits corrections to sentences from students.

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