Galina Galina

Upper Intermediate (B2) level


Reading Skills Lesson


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Main Aims

  • To develop reading skills for gist and detail in the context of trusting your instincts

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a discussion in the context of trusting your instincts


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Share a Google Slide showing 3 different Facebook profiles. Ask Ss: Look at these Facebook profiles. What is your first impression of these people? What are they like? Do you like them? Who would you like to be friends with? Why? Ss share their answers and check if other students have the same first impressions. Share the next slide: 1. Tell us about your profile picture on social media. What picture did you choose? 2. What first impression can it make on other people? Give Ss an example. Point out at my profile picture on the slide, and say: 'This is my Facebook profile picture. In this picture I'm standing on the top of the mountain and looking at the sunrise. Other people might think that I'm an active person and like to do outdoor activities.' I might ask some follow up Qs: Why can other people have this first impression? Ss exchange their answers in class. Anticipated problem: In case some Ss don't have any social media, or they don't remember their pictures, I can ask: If you had a Facebook account, what picture would you choose and why? What first impression would it make on other people?

Pre-Reading/Listening (5-6 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Tell Ss that we need to look at some words before we read the text to make sure they understand them. Share Google Slide with a matching task for words 'Judgement', 'Originate', 'Cognition' and 'Convince'. Ask Ss to complete the sentences 1-4 with words A-D: A. Judgement B. Originate C. Cognition D. Convince Answers: 1 - C. Researchers say that human (cognition) can be improved by learning new languages and memorizing new words. 2 - B. Where did most American holiday traditions (originate) from? 3 - D. My grandmother is old and we try to (convince) her to live with us. 4 -A. I’ve known him for years and I trust his (judgement). Encourage Ss to read the completed sentences. Send Ss a link to Google Form Vocab Quiz and ask them to match the words and their definition. Ask them to choose a right answer, submit the form and check their answers. You have 2 minutes to submit your answers. OCFB. Answers: 1. Cognition - the process of knowing, understanding, and learning something 2. Judgement - the ability to form valuable opinions and make good decisions 3. Originate - to come from a particular place, time, situation, etc. 4. Convince - to cause someone to believe something or to do something Cover MFPA for 'Cognition', 'Judgement', 'Originate', 'Convince'. 1. COGNITION /kɒɡˈnɪʃ.ən/ Is it a process that happens in our brain? (yes) Is it about our ability to understand and learn things?(Yes) Is it a noun? (Yes). Is it a formal or informal word? (Formal). What other words can we use instead? (Elicit: thought, thinking, understanding, etc.). What kind of cognition can it be? Human/ social/ political cognition. How many syllables in 'cognition'? (3). Which syllable is stressed? (2nd). 2. JUDGEMENT /ˈdʒʌdʒmənt/ Is it about having your own opinion on something?(yes). Is it a human’s ability? (yes) Can we use 'judgement' for an opinion we make about something? (yes). Is it a noun? (yes). When we talk about judgement as an ability, what adjectives can we use? Professional/ personal/good/sound/poor + judgement. Point out that 'judgement' can also be spelled without 'e': 'judgment' - both forms are equally correct. How many syllables in 'judgement'? (2). Which syllable is stressed? (1st). 3. ORIGINATE /əˈrɪdʒ.ən.eɪt/ Does it mean that something started or came from somewhere else? (yes). Is it a formal or informal word? (Formal) What other words can we use instead? (to come from/to begin/ to start). Is it a verb? (Yes). What is the past form? (originated). Is it a regular verb? (Yes). What prepositions do we use after 'originate'? (from/ in: His ancestors originated from Europe/ This tradition was originated in Germany). How many syllables does it have? (4) Which one is stressed? (2nd). 4. CONVINCE /kənˈvɪns/ When you convince someone, do you try to influence their decision? (yes) Do we want them to believe something or do something? (Yes). What other words can we use instead of ‘convince’? (to persuade/to get someone to do something/ talk someone into something). Is it a verb? (yes) What is the past form? (convinced /kən'vɪnst/). Make sure Ss don't pronounce -ed as /ɪt/. What prepositions can we use after 'convinced'? of/ that/ to: She convinced me of this fact/ She convinced me that it was true/ She convinced me to believe her. How many syllables does it have? (2) Which one is stressed? (2nd).

While-Reading/Listening #1 (6-7 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

Tell Ss that we are going to read an article about Malcolm Gladwell's book, Blink. This is the book Tracey talked about in your previous lesson. Send Ss a link to Google Form task - Reading activity 1. Ask them to open the link and quickly read the task. Read the task together with Ss. Then send them a Google Form link with the text in case they can't read it in Google Forms. Ask Ss to read the text quickly, ignore words they don't know, and focus on the main idea in these four paragraphs. Give Ss 3 minutes to do the task. Read the article about Gladwell's book, Blink. Which paragraph 1-4 talks about: A positive example of first impressions/ The aim of the book/A negative example of first impressions/The content of the book. Answers: A positive example of first impressions - Paragraph 3 The aim of the book - Paragraph 4 A negative example of first impressions - Paragraph 2 The content of the book - Paragraph 1 Ask Ss to discuss their answers in BORs. Give them 3 minutes. Check answers in OCFB

While-Reading/Listening #2 (10-11 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

Tell Ss they are going to read the text again for specific information. Send Ss a link to Google forms - Reading activity 2. Read the task together: Read the article again. Chose the correct answers for sentences 1-5. Don't forget to submit your form. Tell them they can you dictionary for 1-2 words max, point out at the link on Google Forms. Give Ss 6 minutes. ICQ: How much time do you have? (6 min). Do you need to submit your answers? (yes) 1. Gladwell says rapid cognition happens ____ (all the time/ in lots of situations/ only when you meet people). Answer: in lots of situations. 2. He ____ what his critics say (totally accepts/ ignores/ partially agrees with). Answer: partially agrees with 3. He believes there are ____ reasons why height should influence the choices we make when we employ people (valid/ no obvious/ understandable). Answer: no obvious 4. He says doctors ____ when making a diagnosis (don't always need lots of information/ take too long/ needs lots of information). Answer: don't always need lots of information 5. He hopes his book will convince people that rapid cognition is ____ (usually correct/ worth studying/ more reliable than deliberate thought). Answer: worth studying Ask Ss to compare their answers in BORs. Give Ss 3 minutes. OCFB. Share the answers on the screen for Ss after OCFB.

Post-Reading/Listening (16-17 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Send Ss a link to a Google Slide with questions for a discussion. Ask Ss to open the link. Share the questions on the screen in case they can't open the link. Give Ss 2 minutes to prepare their answers. Ask Ss to discuss these questions in BORs. Try to remember an interesting fact about your partner. Give Ss 8 minutes. ICQs: Do you need to discuss all these questions? (yes). How much time do you have? (8 minutes) Questions: 1. Do you agree with Gladwell’s ideas? Should we trust our instincts? Why/Why not? 2. When do we have to trust our intuition? (e.g. buying a house/ choosing a partner/ looking for a job, etc.). When should we never trust our instincts? Give reasons. 3. Oprah Winfrey once said: “I've trusted the still, small voice of intuition my entire life. And the only time I've made mistakes is when I didn't listen”. What did she mean? Do you agree with her? Why/Why not? Do you have similar experience? 4. Tell about your experience of trusting your intuition. How often do you trust it and why? 5. Tell about a time you trusted your instincts. What happened? Why did you decide to follow your intuition? How did it help you? Share your story with a group. Monitor students talking in BORs, take notes of errors and good language. Conduct feedback on the task. Use whiteboard for Delayed Error Correction.

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