Sameh A.Galil Sameh A.Galil

TV& Radio
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will be introduced to Media in English (specifically Radio & TV) through listening and speaking .


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Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will have practiced listening for specific and detailed information in the context of Radio and TV.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of Radio & TV


Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1- Greet students and then warm them up by asking about health & personal news. 2- Set the lesson context by referring to a TV show you watched the previous night . 3- Ask ss if they have enough time to watch TV or listen to the radio . 4- Introduce exercise 2 . 5- Ask ss to match and map the types of programmes to the media categories; Radio, TV or both (Butt in citing popular, local examples if needed) 6- Allow time for all class feedback using an answer key.

Pre-Listening (8-10 minutes) • To prepare students for the listening material and make it accessible by pre-teaching potentially difficult vocabulary

Introduce potentially challenging words in the listening ( Elicit please) 1- A buzzer (N) ( Picture & sound) show ss a picture of a buzzer making sure that the sound accompanies it . Ss will identify the object but don't press too hard for an articulate definition . Model the word with the correct stress and drill it . Show ss the word or type it . 2- Injured (Adj) (Picture) A picture of Moh Salah lying on the pitch will be shown. Answers should be solicited after a few seconds. Say the word and drill it . Student can now be asked to give the spelling . Type or show the word. 3- A broken down car ( Context) Personalize the context . You may want to refer to one of those car situations when your or anybody else's car acts up and decides not to work. Allow seconds for an all-class answer and then model and drill . Make sure that students don't stress '' down'' heavily. 4- Bound (Adj)( Description) bound is the direction we take to reach a certain destination . North bound would mean that we are heading North while West bound would mean that we want to go to the west of the town/ country. Model and drill and then type or show. CCQs: If you are southbound: 1- Will you head to the North? No 2- Will you reach your destination heading East? No 3- Do you need a map? Possibly 5- Criticise (V) (Definition and context) to criticise someone or something means that something is wrong . Your father may criticise you for your bad marks or failing to do something Drill and then type or show the word. CCQs: When you father criticises you 1- Do you feel happy ? No 2- Should you say sorry? Yes 3- Will you act or behave in this way again? No

While-Reading/Listening #1 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with a specific information listening task

Set the listening task: 1-Tell ss what they are in for . 2- They will listen to 5 short extracts from different types of radio or TV programmes to determine the programme type of each and say whether it is Radio ,TV or possibly both. 3- Ask these ICQs: 1- How many extracts will you listen to? 2- What are they about? 3- Will you hear one or different programmes? 4- Ask them to pay attention to key words and not to panic if people in the recording speak fast. 5- You may want to play the recording gain , if you feel they are struggling . 6- To help them stay focused, draw a table that has two columns . In one column, write the programme type and ask them to type in the chat box the correct extract number in the other column. 7- Provide an answer key for feedback

While-Reading/Listening #2 (12-15 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed listening task

Set the listening task: 1- Tell them they will listen again to 5 extracts but this time around they will answer the questions in exercise five. 2- Show them the questions before they listen again . 3-Before they listen, ask them these ICQs: 1- Will the listening be different? 2- How many questions should you find answers for? 3- Play the recording . 4- When they have finished listening, ask them to take a picture of the questions in exercise five . 5- Tell them that they will be sent to breakout rooms to discuss what they heard and find answers to the questions together. 6- When come back allow time to hear answers from the different groups. You may nominate too. 7- Provide an answer key.

Post-Reading/Listening (10-15 minutes) • To provide opportunities to respond to the listening productively and expand on what they've learned

1- At this stage, students will have developed the confidence and the language necessary to engage in conversations about Radio and TV programmes and this is where exercise 1 kicks in. 2- Send students to breakout rooms and ask them to do the following questions: 1- How often do you listen to the radio? 2- Do you watch terrestrial or satellite TV? 3- Which are you favorite/ least favorite TV channels/ radio stations ? / why?

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