Lauren Burden Lauren Burden

TP 4 Grammar
Upper Intermediate level


In this lesson, students learn about use and non-use of articles through guided discovery based on a text about ‘getting it right’. The lesson starts with a discussion in pairs about the benefits of chewing gum. This is followed by exposure and highlighting tasks where students read a text for general understanding and then focus on underlining the use and non-use of articles within the marker sentences. Next, students will receive MFP clarification of articles with a matching/categorization activity. Finally, students will pick the best article in a gap fill exercise for controlled practice of the target language before participating in some freer practice where they will ask and answer a trivia quiz using articles in a paired speaking activity.


Abc Controlled practice
Abc Exposure
Abc Highlighting
Abc Clarification (M)
Abc Clarification (F)
Abc Clarification (P)
Abc Lead-in & FP

Main Aims

  • To review and give practice of articles in the context of trivia related to chewing gum.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in the target language (articles) through a discussion in the context of additional trivia facts, i.e random world knowledge.
  • To continue to work on reading and listing for gist and detail.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Ss will see a photo on slide 1 and elicit answers of what the boy in the photo is doing. Then discuss in pairs or open class the following Qs: Do you chew gum? Does it help you in any way? Why do you think that some people object to people chewing gum? (ex: in school). (~3-4 mins) CCQ: object to: disagreement with.

Exposure (3-4 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Ss will take about 2 minutes to read the text and choose the best title in google forms. ICQ: individually or in pairs? (Individual) How long? (~2 mins). Discuss in pairs before OCFB. (~1-2 mins) Which is the best title? Concentrate better – chew gum (doesn’t mention how to concentrate) Chewing gum can aid memory (correct answer) Three good reasons for chewing gum (doesn’t give 3 reasons)

Highlighting (4-5 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Ss will individually mark sentences by underlining/highlighting definite, indefinite, or no article (~2-3 mins) on google docs (they each have their own page on doc). Find the page with your name on it and identify the definite articles by highlighting them yellow. Highlight the indefinite articles blue. There are also some nouns without articles, underline them. ICQ: how long? (2-3 mins) Pairs or individual? (individual). Do all sentences use an article? (no) Some sentences have more than one article used. CCQ: what’s an article? (indefinite: a/an, definite: the) If there’s no article? (zero article); Articles go in front of nouns!!. Check in pairs via private chat before OCFB. (~1 min) Identify which articles are used in the following sentences. 1.Teachers have always tried to ban it (chewing gum). (Teachers: zero article) 2.A new study has revealed that people can actually benefit from chewing gum. (a new study: indefinite, people: zero article, gum: zero article) 3.The author of the study, Dr. Andrew Scholey, claims that there is a link between chewing and memory. (The author: definite, the study: definite, a link: indefinite, memory: zero) 4. The link may be connected with the production of oxygen in the brain. (the link: definite, the production: definite, oxygen: zero, the brain: definite)

Clarification (12-15 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

- Ss will find example sentences from the text, and maybe an extra or 2, that fit within certain rules of articles on wordwall to check meaning (~2-3 mins). They will then categorize the phrases/articles by which article rule they belong. Peer check before OCFB (~1min). (demo with students) Ex: indefinite article ‘one of many’ (a new study). ICQ: how long? (2-3 minutes) Individually? (yes) Do you make your own examples? (no, just match the ones already given). CCQ: unique: special, one of a kind. Group the phrases/articles with the rule they belong to. a) Indefinite article for something that is ‘one of many’ (a new study, a scientist, an article, an elephant, an iceberg) b) Definite article for something or someone talked about before (the study, the link) c) Definite article for something that is unique (the author, the president of the United States, the shoes on my feet) d) ‘Zero’ article for talking about things ‘in general’ (teachers, people, dogs, crowds, sport) - Next, Ss will correct sentences with/without articles to solidify their understanding of form in google docs for ~4 minutes. Peer check answers before OCFB (~2 mins) ICQ: in pairs? (no, individual), how long? (4 minutes). CCQ: float: rest near top/surface of water. Correct the sentences. 1. The lot of people don’t like mustard. (Correct: A lot of people don’t like mustard; quantity) 2. I like to wear hats the few times a year. (I like to wear hats a few times a year; quantity) 3. First time I ate noodles I was nine. (The first time I ate noodles I was nine; ordinal) 4.An eighth time I swam I could finally float. (The eighth time I swam I could finally float; ordinal) 5. My dance moves are worst. (My dance moves are the worst; superlative) 6. My brother’s eyes are same as mine. (My brother’s eyes are the same as mine; common adjective) 7. Students don’t like to sit in a little desk in the corner. (Students don’t like to sit in the little desk in the corner; common adjective) 8. I eat the grapes every day. (I eat grapes every day; no article b/c plural) 9. I went to a work yesterday. (I went to work yesterday; no article b/c place) 10. Apple a day keeps the doctor away. (An apple a day keeps the doctor away; quantity) - Lastly, Ss will listen to recordings of marker sentences and note where the stress is located on google forms. There will be a mix of checking sentence/word stress, weak forms, and emphasis. They will have ~2 minutes to complete the task, followed by some choral and individual drilling during OCFB. ~2 min 1.Which pattern best represents the stress in the sentence? I like to wear hats a few times a year. (content words, not grammar: I like wear hats few times year) 2.How do we pronounce ‘a’ and ‘an’ in this sentence? An apple a day keeps the doctor away. (weak a, like un/uh) 3.How do we pronounce ‘the’ in this sentence? The eighth time I swam I could finally float. (The vs thu b/c vowel) 4.Where is the emphasis placed in this sentence? My dance moves are the worst. (emphasis on the)

Controlled Practice (4-5 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

- Ss will individually complete a gap-fill exercise to check meaning and form (~2 mins) . ICQ: how long? (2 mins) Individually or in pairs? (individually). Does the same answer go in each blank in a sentence? (no, not necessarily). CCQ: -- means zero article. Demo the first blank (or 2) with students. Check answers in pairs via private chat before OCFB. (2 mins) Choose the article that best fits the blank(s) in the sentence and keeps the original meaning. There is more than one blank in each sentence, but that doesn’t mean it’s the same answer for all the blanks in the sentence. For (1) __ study, (2) __ volunteers at (3) __ Northumbria University performed (4) __ number of tests designed to test their memory and (5) __ concentration. (6) __ first group were allowed to chew (7) __ gum; (8) __ second only pretended to chew, while (9) __ third did not chew at all. There was no difference between (10) __ three groups in terms of (11) __ concentration part of (12) __ test, but in (13) __ memory tests, there was (14) __ big difference: (15) __ group who had been allowed to chew performed thirty-five percent better than (16) __ other groups. Answers: 1) a/the/- 2) a/the/- 3) a/the/- 4) a/the/- 5) a/the/- 6) a/the/- 7) a/the/- 8) a/the/- 9) a/the/- 10) a/the/- 11) a/the/- 12) a/the/- 13) a/the/- 14) a/the/- 15) a/the/- 16) a/the/-

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

- Ss will be divided into 2 groups (or pairs/ 1 big group depending on # of Ss) and take turns asking and answering a trivia quiz on the last slide for ~3 mins each (6-7 mins in total). The answers and questions are provided, the students will just work on supplying the correct article in the questions and answers. ICQ: are you actually taking this quiz? (no, the answers are provided) What do you do? (ask the questions & give the answers using articles) In pairs? (yes) CCQ: incarcerated: locked up, discharged: let go. Students will share some feedback before jamboard DEC on use and non-use of articles (~2 mins). Quiz 1: 1. When do… Americans celebrate their Independence Day? On…fourth of… July, On… fourteenth of… July, On… fourteenth of… August. 2. What is… capital of Australia? …Sydney, …Melbourne, …Canberra. 3. If you are ‘incarcerated’, where do you go? To…school, to…church, to…prison. 4. Which of these is not … natural river? …Danube, …Mississippi, …Suez, …Nile 5. Where is… Tokyo? In … north of … Japan, In… east of… Japan, In… west of…Japan Quiz 2: 1.Where is… highest range of mountains in…world? …Andes, …Himalayas, …Rockies 2. What is 149.6 million kilometers? …distance from…sun to… earth, …distance from…moon to…earth, …distance from…sun to… nearest star 3. Which of these is not in… Africa? …Lake Victoria, …Johannesburg, …Ecuador, …Nile, …Madagascar 4. If a baby is born at 1 pm, what time of day is that? In…morning, in…afternoon, in…evening, at…night 5. If you are ‘discharged’, what do you leave? …hospital, …university, … home Answers: 1. Zero, the 4th of July 1. The highest…the world, The Himalayas 2. The capital, Zero 2. The distance… the sun to the/earth 3. Zero 3. Zero, zero 4. A natural river, The Suez 4.the/zero, the afternoon 5. Zero, the east of japan 5. The hospital - Alternatively, if we have a longer time frame (which I don't foresee), students could take ~1-2 min to write their own questions & take turns asking each other (~2-3 mins each) with ~1-2 min DEC.

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