Andrew Watson Andrew Watson

Elementary reading
A1-A2 level level


In this lesson, Ss develop the reading subskills of gist and detail through an authentic text in the context of desirable objects or things.


Abc Meaning
Abc Reading for detail
Abc Reading for gist

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, Ss will have developed the subskills of reading for gist and scanning in the context of one's favourite things or objects.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To develop Ss vocabulary knowledge related to nouns and adjectives
  • To develop speaking fluency related to the vocabulary


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Screenshare first slide. This is Tim. He's a college professor who wants to protect the environment. He wants to drive around a city. He has a budget (presupuesto) of 20,000 euros. Elicit suggestions from Ss. Concept check price tag (how much it costs), range (how far you can drive it without recharging the battery). Drill fifteen thousand, seven hundred and seventy nine euros; three hundred and twenty kilometers; eighty six thousand four hundred and thirty euros; four hundred and sixty three kilometers.

Pre-Reading/Listening (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Pre-teach the following items from the reading text, to make it more accessible to Ss. Ask CCQs and FCQs from TLAS. a dinky vehicle miles per hour top speed price tag range

While-Reading/Listening #1 (4-5 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

Screen share the task. Tell Ss they have 3 mins to read the text and choose the best headline for it. Share link in chat. Answer: The fastest cars New cars: what the critics say. The smallest cars Ask Ss to share answers in chat. Show responses and confirm answers.

While-Reading/Listening #2 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

Screen share task. Ss have 5-6 mins to read and answer T/F. Share G-Form link in chat. ICQ: How long? 6 mins. Do you read individually or in pairs? Individually. When time is up, ask Ss to submit responses. Compare answers in pairs in BORs for 2-3 mins. Give OCFB: share Google Form responses and put answers on Slide to confirm. The Daily Telegraph says the Citroen Ami is difficult to drive fast. T The Daily Telegraph says the price tag is attractive. T You don't need a driving licence to drive the Ami, says Auto Express. F It's not suitable for long-distance journeys, says Auto Express. T The Ami's electric battery has a range of less than 50 miles, says Top Gear. T Top Gear says the car is difficult to use. F

Post-Reading/Listening (10-12 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

1. Model and drill the two sentences, stressing the key vocabulary (range, top speed, MPH and price tag) and the numbers and denominators. The Porsche has got a range of 463 kilometers and a top speed of 160 miles per hour. The Ami has a price tag of 6,000 euro. 2. Demonstrate the info gap activity (what are the missing numbers?) with a stronger student. T is Student A. S is Student B. Teacher: What's the number in square (cuadro C1). Expected S answer: eight hundred and twenty eight. Student: What's the number in square F4? Teacher: It's sixty six. Divide class into pairs A/B. Assign each S a slide. Say: you can't look at your partner's slide. Allow 2 mins to look at their sheets and practice saying the numbers individually (with mic off). Put Ss in pairs in BORs to practice for 5-6 mins. Monitor for DEC. Points to focus on: A hundred, a thousand are less formal than one hundred. We use one hundred, one thousand when we want to sound precise: it costs exactly one hundred dollars. We use one not a just before another number or inside a larger number: one thousand and seventeen. Hundred, thousand and million have no -s after a number: six hundred and eight.

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