Gonzalo Gonzalo

TP3 LP_GonzaloJauregui
Upper-intermediate level


The main aim of this lesson is to introduce and practice expressions of quantity


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Main Aims

  • To introduce and practice expressions of quantity
  • To provide practice of expressions of quantity in the context of traveling

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of expressions of quantity in the context of traveling


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

First, after welcoming the students, I will start with a commentary/anecdote: "As I've told before, I love to travel, I am 24 years old and I have already been to 10 different countries, but I haven't been to Australia yet, and I'd love to" Then, I will ask the students to discuss in pairs or small groups (depends on the size of the class), the following questions for the next 2 minutes: Have you ever been to Australia? What do you think is the best thing to do in that country? Then, I will ask individually to 2 different students what they would like to do there (1 min feedback)

Text work (gist + intensive task) (7-8 minutes) • To practice the skill "reading for gist" and getting familiar with the expressions of quantity

In this task, I will share a Google Form with a text on the chat and ask the students to read it quickly and to find 3 different expressions for: 1. Many / Much 2. Not many / Not much 3. Some I will instruct them to do this individually and for 4 minutes only. They can write down the answers on a text box in the same Google Form. I will openly ask to the class "How many expressions do we have to find in total?" They should answer "9". Then ask one student: "How much time do we have?" The Students should answer "4". Students read the text and write down the answers. After that, they check their answers for 1 minute in breakout rooms, either in pairs or small groups (depends on the amount of students). Finally, they comeback to the group and the teacher conducts OCFB with asking for 1 different expression for each word.

Language clarification (8-9 minutes) • To explain Meaning, Form, and pronunciation of the expressions of quantity

In this task, I will share my screen with a Google Presentation, showing 2 different examples I have chosen from the same text and clarify MFP. For this, I have selected: 1. Many / Much: Plenty - Lots 2. Not many / Not much Hardly any - Lack of 3. Some A few - Several For meaning, I will share a slide where students have to match the expressions I have selected with the main words as synonyms. This mini activity will be called "Find the synonym". I will directly ask one student at the time to give the answer. Asking CCQs Then, I will show 1 image, one showing someone with a lot of bananas and ask: "Am I buying lots of bananas or just a few?" (lots of) The hardest expression could be "lack of" so, in the Form section, I will ask: Is Lack a noun or verb? (Noun) Could it be a verb? (Yes, then show example with picture) Asking CCQs In this slide, I will show two pictures with 2 different monkeys, one with one banana and the other one with a lot of them, then ask: Which monkey lacks of bananas? Has a lack of bananas? For pronunciation, I will come back to the first slide and ask students to repeat the word after me. Only 3 different words.

Controlled Practice (4-4 minutes) • The purpose is practicing accurancy

For this, I will share another Google form where they have to fill blanks on sentences. Only 3 sentences, this will take them 2 minutes. They have to do this individually and then T conducts OCFB checking the correct answers asking different students individually.

Freer practice (6-8 minutes) • Fluency

This activity will be held in pairs (if possible) in breakout rooms. Students have to talk about one trip they did and say: - All the activities they did - All the things they ate - What the place lacks of - What the place has too many of The other student should write down the his/her peer said and share it to the class in the OCFB. Finally, ask is there is any questions left and check errors.

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